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How Compostable Trash Bags Can Help Any Household

Do you know that every household disposes more than 150 trash bags per year? That means a huge amount of plastic bags for the landfills. Switching to biodegradable garbage bags will make a huge difference for our environment. Both have the same durability, the only difference is that compostable garbage bags do not affect our environment. Let’s see some reasons why we should switch on biodegradable garbage bags:

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1. Compostable Bags Can Help Biodiversity:

Only biodegradable ingredients are in the composition of the garbage bags. In fact, these kinds of bags are divided in two branches:

a)    Biodegradable polymer bags –Exposed to air, light or moisture, their polymer composition break down into small particles, which do not affect the environment.
b)    Organic compostable – They are made only from natural materials such as corn; Of course, these materials biodegradables and they are absorbed into the environment without any implications.

2. Biodegradable Bags Are Efficient Cost:

Today, it is a huge demand for these kinds of bags. That means an increase in production and a reduction in their production cost. Therefore, their price is similar or even lower to plastic bags price.

3. Biodegradable Bags Help Small Entrepreneurs:

Small companies are running the production of these environmentally friendly garbage bags. Choosing these garbage bags you can help the economy and help our environment in the same time.

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