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How to Cover Temporarily an Old Countertop without all the Demolition and Expenses

If your laminate kitchen countertop is old, it can make a bad impression with its obsolete and outdated appearance.

You can improve its appearance and in this way, you will improve the overall look of the kitchen. It is simple, easy to do it and inexpensive.

Cover the Countertop with Contact Paper

Covering your old countertop with countertop is an easy way to change completely its look.

You can buy this contact paper from discount stores. You can find this contact paper in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

It is inexpensive, washable, easy to apply, in a word a smart choice, if you need only a temporarily solution for your outdated countertop.

It is also, a perfect solution for you as a tenant, if you want to improve the look of the kitchen. Contact paper can be easily applied and removed, without any damage for the countertop.

Paint the Countertop Surface

Painting is another easy and relatively cheap way to improve the countertop.

However, unlike the contact paper option, which is a temporary solution, countertop painting is a permanent solution.

1. Wash and clean thoroughly the countertop.
2. Wipe it with a dried cloth and allow time to be perfectly dried.
3. Gently apply the contact paper over your countertop, maintaining the paper attached to the sticky side.
4. Stretch the contact paper to the countertop surface. Use a pencil to outline the surface on the paper side of the contact paper.
5. If you use two or more pieces, number them.
6. Overlap seems by 1”.
7. Pay attention to the edges of the countertop. Let the paper hang over the edges and using a utility knife, trim carefully the excess of the paper.
8. Wipe the countertop surface with a damp sponge.
9. After removing the paper from the sticky side, lay down and cover the surface of countertop. You can move easily the paper on this wet surface.
10. Using a squeegee stretch well the paper, and do not leave air bubbles between the countertop surface and paper.

Steps to take:

1. Sand thoroughly your countertop.
2. Wipe and vacuum to remove any debris.
3. Apply a strong degreaser to remove dirt and grime.
4. You can paint with regular or textured paint. You can paint with a brush and roller or you can use a spray paint.
5. Apply a good quality primer coat and three coats of paint. Allow time for each coat to dry.
6. Seal with two coats of clear lacquer. Allow two weeks to cure. This can be a big disadvantage. You cannot use the countertop for at least two weeks.

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