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Painting a Wood Floor

Usually, the most popular finishes for wood floors are stain or clear varnishes. However, in the last time, painted wood floors are more popular. Why?

  1. The paint finish is durable.
  2. The paint finish is less expensive than other finishes.
  3. The color of the floor can match with the room walls and give a special aesthetic effect.
  4. You can use the floor color as a base for stenciling.
  5. A painted wood floor is fit for any décor, even for a contemporary look.

Photo by Frederick + Frederick ArchitectsDiscover hallway design ideas

Tools and Materials

– Level; Sander; Drill; Roller; Paintbrushes; Putty Knife; Plastic Sheets; Painter Tape
– Bleach; Sandpaper; Patchy Compound; Primer; Paint

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Steps to take

1. Preparation

  1. As in any other kind of job, painting of your wood floor requires a very good preparation.
  2. Using a water-bleach solution, wash thoroughly the surface to remove the mildew.
  3. Sand the wood floor, to remove the old paint or varnish.
  4. Vacuum the wooden dust
  5. Make the necessary repairs.
  6. Using again the water-bleach solution, clean the wood flooring to remove the dirt and grime.
  7. Protect the walls with plastic sheets and painter tape.

2. Apply the primer

  1. Using a 3” brush cut in the primer along the sides of the floor; Start from a corner in the both directions on a length of 4 ft.
  2. Using a medium-nap roller apply the primer over the surface; Work in one direction
  3. Now, work with the roller, perpendicular on first direction. This will facilitate the primer spreading into the wood.
  4. Come again with the roller; Work gently and lift the roller at the end of each stroke.
  5. Proceed similar to the following section and finish the floor.
  6. Allow time to primer to dry.

3. Apply the paint

4. Decorative techniques

However, you can consider the painted wood floor only a base for applying different patterns, which can give special effects.

You can use techniques such as stenciling or spatter painting.

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