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Swimming Pool Solar Panel System

Using solar energy to heat your swimming pool can have many benefits. You can use your swimming pool practically all the time, or enjoy it for almost any season, not to mention the prevented emissions of the greenhouse gas and the energy saved by not using a conventional pool heater.

Photo by Alder Group, Pool and Landscape Co.Look for pool design inspiration

This inexhaustible source you can capture solar energy by installing solar panels. Maybe at first glance installing a solar system for your pool seems to be quite expensive, but in reality, things are different. Let’s see together why these solar panels may be an excellent choice for your swimming pool.


There are large differences between the working systems of pool solar panels and photovoltaic panels that are necessary to generate electricity for your household. The principle is in fact, quite simple. You need only to adjust the desired water temperature, which is all the time, regulated and controlled by a sensor. The swimming pool pump sends the filtered water through an array of solar system collectors where the water will be heated to the desired temperature and then it will be directed back into the pool.


Swimming pool solar panels can be divided in two categories:

1| Unglazed – they are made of plastic or heavy rubber and can be used only above freezing points.
2| Glazed – made of copper tubing plated with aluminum and tempered glass covering; they are more effective than unglazed panels and can be practically used in any season.


Solar power systems help you to save a lot of conventional energy when you heating your swimming pool, but this heat can be lost in relative quickly. The surface of a swimming pool is very large and the heat will dissipate in atmosphere. Therefore is extremely important to cover your swimming pool, when you are not utilizing it, especially during the night.


Pool solar panel system cost varies quite significantly depending on the size of the swimming pool and the area where you live. However, the cost is somewhere between $ 3,000 and $ 4,000, cost that can be amortized in several years, not more than seven years. In addition, many states and in fact, even the federal government offers tax incentives that can reach around 30% of their cost.

The lifespan of solar panels can reach 20 years and they require low maintenance.

Tips to Buy an Above Ground Swimming Pool (

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