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Colorful Small Home Makeover Ideas

Small living space design and decorating can be indeed a really challenge, but with some advice and ideas from this video and images will help you make the most of your limited home space. Learn how to decorate and maximize small spaces with these tips, inspiration and ideas.

Living Room Color Schemes, Inspiring Ideas | Decorating with Colors #16 (video)

It is a fact that living in a small home is not easy, especially when your inspiration and creativity is drastically limited by landlord policy and rental rules. Let these small space design and decorating ideas on a budget inspire you to turn your rental into a home. Embrace every corner and sq ft with these stylish tricks. And don’t forget, sometimes the simplest, easiest and inexpensive room makeovers are the best ideas.

Changes like replacing a worn-out carpet with beautiful and modern rugs, cushions in bold colors or a new paint color are budget-friendly ways to make your home feel like a new one.

If you want to know more the effect of colors in the interior design, please read our post:

The Color Relaxant Effect | How To Build A House (

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