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Harmony and Bravery in Choosing Colors for the House Facade

Tones, colors, compositions, harmonies – are notions, concepts, and also rules of combining colors. It is indicated that they to convey positive feelings, good humor, optimism.

However, to obtain these beneficial effects we must know how to use them.

Of course, color is a matter of taste; however facade painting does not compare to paint the living room walls because it concerns both homeowners and neighbors.

This does not mean you have to use only white or beige, but must also consider the overall appearance of the neighborhood. Regardless of color – very cool or discreet, monochrome or polychrome – even if these seems to be the ideal solution, but must be in compliance with the rest, to fit a whole.

How Much Color Should You Use?

Experts warn us that strong colors are dull, and are more tiring than discrete colors, classic, always fashionable. A good solution is to use a less garish primary colors, but to stand out through strong accents of other colors.

Color and Shape – does not fit one without the other

House shape with all its details is important in choosing the right color for the facade. We must not forget the color, layout and shape of the roof tiles, window frames, doors, and sometimes even the garden fence.

There are variants in which the house can be divided into colors according to these component elements. Supporting elements can be painted in different color from wall surfaces.

Another way to use strong colors is to highlight household annexes or gazebo with the help of them.

It is not advisable to paint the facade of the house with colors that are in vogue a year, and then they become tiresome, too loaded, and ridiculous. After all, we must consider the cost of these works, and they are not insignificant, so we cannot paint the walls a different color every year.

Nonetheless it may be noted that many of the fashion shades are used inside the house first and only after 4-5 years can be seen outside.

Most often they are blurred by other colors. Even purple appears on the facades of many houses, and who is brave and nonconformist, will try now. And why not?

Here, you will find another post about house facades:

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