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How to Grow a Pet Friendly Garden

When you are planning a garden, for you and your family don’t forget the smallest members of your family, which are the pets. A pet friendly garden means a garden where your cat or dog can find protection, plants to nourish them and a play ground.

Photo by Home & Garden Design, Atlanta – Danna Cain, ASLAMore landscaping ideas

Build a Garden Fence:

For families with dogs a high fence is the utmost importance for your garden. For small dogs a 4 feet (1.2m) fence is high enough, but for families with big dogs it is necessary a 6 feet (1.8m) high fence. Remember dogs can dig a hole under the fence trying to get out, so it is a good idea to continue the fence underground with a metal net.

Make Paths through the Garden:

Any pet, dog or cat, has their preferred ways through the garden. If you don’t want your dog walking around through dirt, lay down a permanent pavers, bricks or stepping-stones path.

Grow Plants Good for Your Cats:

There are many plants that your cats will love to eat. Usually, cats eat different plants to improve their digestion and love to play in others. Let’s name several of them:

Cat grass (Dactylis Glomerata); Lemongrass; Catmint (Nepeta x Faassenii); Pennyroyal (Mentha Pulegium); Valerian(Valeriana Officinalis)

However, if you love some flowers or plants that are sensitive, protect them from pets with a wire net enclosure.

Grow Shady Trees:

Big tree shadow will keep your family and pets cool during the hot season. Cats will love to climb up on the tree branches.


It isn’t a good idea to have bare soil in your garden. It will be a mess. Cats and dogs love to dig. Plant perennials like sweet woodruff, thyme or cotoneaster between trees.

Another solution is to lay down a pea gravel layer.

Grow a Small Vegetable Garden for Your Rabbits:

A small carrots and lettuces garden will make happy your rabbit or guinea pig little friend.

Grow Sunflowers for Birds:

If you are a bird lover and you enjoy watching them, than you should plant sunflowers in your garden. They are beautiful and you can also harvest their seeds and feed your birds.

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