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How to Paint a Brick Wall on Your Balcony

Features and Preparation

We have seen many times exposed brick walls in old home interiors, and we are impressed by their classic aesthetic view. They bring an undisputed beautiful character look to the décor.

Photo by AFT ConstructionLook for balcony pictures

Yes, they indeed are an amazing and versatile decorating feature for home interiors and not only. They look great even on balconies and patios.

But what can you do if you do not have a brick wall?

Or you have a brick wall, but it is old and need painted?

Obviously, you have to paint one or to paint the one. And here, we can help you. Read this post and find how.

Here, you can read other articles from our website “How to Build a House” regarding the brick walls:









The external beauty of painted brick walls can be outstanding, and in many cases, it is given by the color of the paint.

But you should know the brick surface is pretty difficult to paint, not to mention that painting a brick wall on balconies and patios is more difficult than usual.

Photo by AFT ConstructionBrowse deck photos

Painting the bricks protect the walls and increase their resistance. The protection function is extremely important if the humidity and temperature conditions change unpredictably.

A brick is a porous material and without protection is soaked with water, and it easily is destroyed.

Skillful use of paint and varnish helps and protect the bricks and the walls will have a much longer life.

But back to our subject.

Let’s see the standard rules when painting a brick wall on the balcony.

Staining only the masonry last for more than one year.

Using soap skin or detergent solution you need to clean and wash the wall before painting the bricks.

This procedure must be done with one-two days before painting.

Photo by AFT ConstructionBrowse deck photos

The choice of paint

If the previous step (the cleaning) is not done correctly, the color scheme is completely useless.

So, start over, using ones of the cheapest solution, namely slaked lime. It can be used without fear, because it will protect the brick wall from the weather elements.

Lime solution will be diluted and lubricated with a wide brush. It is necessary the use of two or three coats that will cover the slightest roughness. If it is correctly done. you do not need to use primer.

Regarding the paint quality. If you want to use your balcony actively, it is necessary to use water-dispersion paints. It also is important to understand that the quality of the paint varies dramatically.

We sincerely hope you like our ideas from this post, and hopefully you will get inspired.

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