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Painting the Wood Floor in Two Colours

Beautiful Study Room

Painted Wooden Floor

If you are tired of the old décor, one of the ways to give a fresh look to your home is to paint the floors. It’s simple, easy and requires a modest expense.

Materials & Tools

You need the following tools and materials:

– Hammer, chisel, floor sander, caulk, decorating caulk for the joints;
– Cloth or sponge, brush; small brush
– Primer, special paint for floor, two colors or emulsion paint (2 colors) and protective lacquer

Photo by Frederick + Frederick ArchitectsSearch hallway pictures

Surface Preparation

Before you begin make sure the boards are clean, no spots of paint or wax. You can either use special boards paint or regular paint – but in this case, you must apply after the painting a layer of protective lacquer.

Steps to Take

1| Start by checking if all nails are well buried in the wood, and make sure that are not protruding ends,

2| If necessary, reinforce each board. Planks appearance can be easily changed by creating false junctions along them. Use for this a hammer and a chisel, with which create small areas at irregular intervals. These false junctions will be more evident and will look much better after the application of paint.

3| Sand the floor thoroughly to remove any roughness. For this operation, an electric sanding machine with handle is the ideal tool. Work carefully to keep the natural look of wood. Remove debris and dust, wiping the surface with a damp cloth.

4| Insulate the entire surface of the floor with a quality primer that will provide a stable base for the other layers of paint. Allow ground, to dry well before applying other coats of paint.

5| Paint the boards alternately with one color and be careful not to exceed the junctions between boards – both the real and the false ones, created with a chisel. You can use green tape to protect the boards that you will paint later, with the second color.

6| Apply carefully the second color on the unpainted boards.

7| Due to the underlying layer will be sufficient to apply one single coat of each color. If you use the emulsion paint, apply three coats of varnish over it after it dries.

8| If the joints are wide, you can get a completely isolated area, applying caulk along the joints between planks. Then wipe the floor surface with a sponge or damp cloth before dry.


Painting the wood floor is an ideal method for the children’s room, a simple and easy way to give an attractive appearance to the room and a convenient way to protect the floor.

Give free rein to your imagination or you can take inspiration from the existing models on the Internet, and you can create fun and cheerful designs with paint.

The maintenance of painted floors requires from time to time, to apply a new coat of paint.

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