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Save Energy with Smart Heating Controls

With each passing year, home heating costs have increased significantly to the point where they have become a real financial problem for many families. Unfortunately, there are situations where a family income for a month is spent on heating every year. This is indeed a financial burden for anybody.

Fortunately, there are solutions that can reduce these costs by at least 30%. In fact, the idea is to reduce energy consumption for heating by at least 30%, and implicitly the heating costs. It is an impressive reduction in consumption, which can easily be done using cooling and heating control systems, which will boost energy efficiency without harming personal comfort.

This cooling and heating system is a technological system designed specifically for boilers, which heat the water used in radiant heating systems. One of the best systems is “Tekmar Control Systems”, which is produced by a large company with the headquarters in North Andover, Massachusetts, USA, namely “Watts Water Technologies”.

At a first glance, these cooling and heating control systems seem quite complicated, but in fact, they are professional systems, extremely efficient.

Watts Water Technologies Inc. has built a solid reputation among designers and manufacturers of these types of control systems. Their products are innovative, smart and of course, efficient. They are beyond any kind of standard thermostat through two main concepts:

A) Outdoor Temperature Reset – This important feature of the system consists of an outdoor sensor and reset system, which adjusts the boiler temperature depending on the outside temperature. In essence, if the outside temperature is rising, it will adjust the boiler temperature, to match the exterior one, which means less energy consumption. If the outside temperature drops, the system will make the boiler to work close to full capacity to cope with low temperatures.
B) Indoor Temperature Feedback – This feature is way ahead of conventional thermostats. Conventional thermostats have the ability to adjust the indoor temperature, but that does not mean it will help you save energy. In other words, a conventional thermostat does not have the finesse required to control properly a heating system while working. Indoor temperature feedback offers the possibility to exploit the ability of condensing boilers to adjust the heat temperature. Even if your condensing boiler has an efficiency level more than 95%, if is connected to a conventional thermostat, its efficiency drops 80%. An indoor temperature feedback is the guarantee that your heating system is working at full capacity.

Tekmar Control Systems can control all the thermostats in your home. It works actually as a command center of a network balancing the information received from the thermostats. Tekmar Control Systems is indeed a smart control system.

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