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Tips for Smelly Towels

You get into your bathroom and you’re surprised by an unpleasant moisture odor, or you use a towel after a shower and notice that it has a strange smell, although it is freshly washed.

Beach Towels

What can you do to avoid this problem?

The Golden Rule in preventing the towel odor is not to let them hang wet in the bathroom. Once you use your towels, it is very important that you dry them in a well ventilated space, preferably in a sunny area.

Deodorization in Microwave

A less known, but 100% effective method is to deodorize your towels (bath or kitchen) in your microwave oven.

Soak your towels in water and then leave them at the mercy of microwaves for 30 seconds, and you will destroy all repulsive odor-causing bacteria. Let them then, for about 10 minutes to cool in the oven before you remove them, otherwise you risk burning yourself.

Deodorizing with Vinegar

Smelly towels that have a smell of moisture, need a “special treatment” when you wash them. Therefore give them a separate wash cycle in which to use just one cup of white vinegar, no detergent or fabric.

After all bacteria disappear wash them again on a normal cycle with detergent, being less prone to develop into unpleasant odors.

Deodorizing with Vinegar and Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)

This is a perfect cleaning solution of smelly damp towels and involves the use of two separate wash cycles: in one, you use a quarter cup of baking soda for washing, then in the second cycle, you pour a cup vinegar.

After a normal cycle with detergent, you will notice that they are very clean, with more intense colors and harder to be dirty.

Two deodorizing washes

Another option that you can get rid of the smell of damp toweling is to wash them separately in two separate cycles with a normal amount of detergent.

Do not add fabric softener, because it creates waste materials on the surface of towels thus reducing their ability of absorption.

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