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What It Means to You English Country Style?

What it means to you English country style? Rustic interior? Flowers around the doors? A relaxed interior of your home with floral prints and comfortable sofas?

English country style is all these and much more than that.

English Country Style Distinctive Elements

When choosing this kind of interior design to decorate your home, start by deciding what kind of English country house style you like.

Traditional English Cottages, Elegance and Charm | VINTAGE AND RETRO-STYLE DESIGN #4 (video)

A large house decorated in a English country way has usually, a different aspect than an English cottage, although both types have some elements of this style in common such as:

1.     The color scheme

English country design means using a darker color palette than it is used in other styles. Floors have a darker nuance, being used extensively brown or dark red shades, while the walls will get floral patterns that will also find the curtains, pillows and table accessories.

Use a palette of autumnal colors for a guaranteed English country look.

2.     Furniture

Wood is the material most commonly found in terms of defining style furniture. Tables, chairs, shelves. Make sure that the chairs and sofas to be comfortable and overstuffed covered with materials such as leather or velvet. The best rooms decorated in English country style, have generally, a vintage look that is acquired slowly over the years.

Chesterfield sofas are icing on the cake in terms of elegance in this style. Add a fireplace and a wooden bookshelf and you will get a perfect country look.

3.     Ornaments

The final effect is a little eccentric but comfortable. Every object in the room should be chosen with care and with sentimental value; the room will be welcoming, warm without being too crowded or cluttered.

Use several types of materials to add texture to your room. Beds and pillows decorated with floral patterns or hand embroidered materials are perfect for this style.

Do not use blinds. Use curtains and choose beautiful and rich floral patterns or perhaps, heavy fabrics and materials such as brocade and velvet.

We cannot have an English interior without the traditional fireplace.  Even if you opt for a fake fireplace, accessorize it with candles.

Cover each coffee table with tablecloths that reach the floor and add ornaments and flowers. Find vintage furniture to add charm and authenticity to the interior of your home.

As you get to English country style decorating, make sure you take a step back to look at the design as a whole. Surely you will be amazed and pleasantly surprised. When done correctly, a home decorated in this style will have the air of a dream home that you’ve always wanted.

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Decorating Your Home Cottage Style | How To Build A House (

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