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Bathroom and Kitchen are the Main “Sources” of Condensation in a Home

The house rooms the most exposed to moisture, condensation and implicitly mold and dampness are the bathroom and kitchen, especially if they have no proper ventilation, which is very common in bathrooms from apartments and condos.

Photo byBrowse bathroom photos

In the kitchen, the solution is easy. A range hood is a handy solution for anyone. However, not every hood is suitable but only those models whose power is correlated with the volume of the room. Of course, a fan can also be used to extract the polluted air outside, but it will not be as effective as a range hood.

The Underfloor Heating: A very effective solution, but maybe a little more expensive is the underfloor heating. Considered by many an ecological and efficient solution the underfloor heating improves the thermal comfort of a home because it reduces the airflow in rooms. In addition, the overall aesthetic appearance of the room is improved. The operating principle of such a system is simple the hot air goes up. A fully heated floor becomes a giant radiator, which maintains a constant temperature and gradually radiates the heat into the room.

Dealing with Bathroom Humidity: Showers and hot water baths lead to the steam appearance into the bathroom. Like the kitchen and in fact, the entire house, controlling moisture helps to stop mold growth. Simply, opening the door to the bathroom is not quite a good solution because the existing moisture will spread to the rest of the house.


– A smart solution to prevent the occurrence, mold in the bathroom, is to illuminate the room as best because mold doesn’t grows in areas well lit. After the shower, leave the lights on for another 10-15 minutes.
– Also, thoroughly clean the surface of the tub or shower, because dirt and grease favors the mold development. For this you can use either cleaning products based on chlorine (or chlorine and water solution 1:5), either based on vinegar.
– Do not forget the bathroom curtain. It should be washed with hot water plus one cup of bleach, or it can be wiped with vinegar.
– Do not use fabric mats, because once they got wet, they will contribute greatly to increase the humidity.
– Use your bathroom fan. Regularly used whenever needed, it extracts the moisture, thus preventing the development of mold bacteria. You can choose simple models or with humidity sensor (which runs automatically when it detects moisture in the bathroom) or with motion sensor (fans start automatically when detect a movement).
– Use a dehumidifier, which is designed to condense water vapor from the air and store in the form of water in a special tank to be emptied regularly.

Make more Space in a Small Bathroom – Creative Ideas (

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