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How to Put Your Stamp on the Way You Decorate Your Home

When you decide to decorate your home, you are doing this not only to save same money but it is about making your space personal. Items you are making, their conception, their arrangement, and show your way of being, your taste and what your family traditions are.

Photo by Historical ConceptsLook for entryway design inspiration

Your baby picture and side by side his little shoe framed show your nostalgia and tenderness.

Take your time, learn and plan how to go all the way and do your style.

Check places such as Rona, Hardware, Home Depot, etc especially if you want to create a kitchen back splash, mosaic, tiling or maybe, you want to create a piece o furniture.

With a good planning, you can have a great. Even you are a beginner you can start with a room in your home. You can create a piece of resistance, a focal point of the room, using only a few black and white pictures on a wall. They may differ in size but it would be great to have the frame as connection element. The wall will have an interesting aesthetic effect, classic and modern in the same time.

Next, you can use wallpaper to add more texture and interest.

Painting is another option, an inexpensive and a great option; you can create, you can match the painting colors with your items, you can do whatever you like, the only thing you should know is to opt for soft tone, because if you go with bright color the result can be disastrously wrong.

Putting your stamp on the way you decorate your home gives you a wonderful feeling. You can make a HOME from your residence. A house is made of bricks, wood and glass while a home is made of feelings. It is not going to happen overnight, so you do not have to be frustrated, have patience. To the end, the results are worth it.

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