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Learn to Paint in a Few Steps

Why should you pay a painter to paint your apartment or house, when you can paint it yourself?  It is not too difficult to paint your home; it can be even really fun, not to mention that you will save a significant amount of money.

Photo by Robert J Erdmann Design, LLCDiscover hallway design inspiration

Let’s see in this article some tips that can help you in your enterprise.

Painting of Ceilings

Ceilings should be painted first so as not to splash the freshly painted walls. For large areas you need a roller with high capacity for absorption.

In principle work with incident light, so do not remain visible stripes in limited areas of applied layers. These embossed stripes are formed by overlapping the new applied layer over the edge of the dry already strip. Therefore you have to work relatively quickly (wet next to wet), the bands should come in contact when still wet. Always work on an entire area, such as a ceiling or a whole wall or even better, start in the morning, so that to paint an entire room in one day. Paint starting from windows and divide the ceiling into several squares, which then you can paint them in sequence.

Dip the roller or the brush into the paint up to two thirds of the length. Run the roller on the tray grill to recover the paint surplus. Then work on all surfaces until you finish all the ceiling.

Painting Edges and Corners

Place a small amount of paint in a can. In this way is much easier to climb a ladder. With an angled brush apply to all edges, a thin and uniform coat. The paint must be perfectly distributed in joints and extend approx. 3 inches on each adjacent wall.

However, dip the brush only three quarters in the tray so that the paint does not drip on the brush handle. Wipe the paint excess on the side of the can.

Painting the Walls

First paint the corners and edges. Protect the window frames and doors with tape.

Start painting from the window to the center of the room. Apply the paint with a roller vertically from top to bottom. When you notice that you do not have enough paint on the roller, you should back again carefully with the roller on the surface until is evenly coated. This technique is called smoothing of the coating technique and is used on both ceiling and walls.

Then dip the roller in the paint and paint again on a new area. However, each new layer should overlap the previous band edge so as not to form shadow (places unpainted) nor remain empty spaces.


Vent often during painting (short ventilation 5-7 minutes, so that the paint to dry quickly).

Painting with a paint Gun

A spray gun brings great services by spraying on large areas. However, you must first fully protected the door and window frames and frames with paper and paint tape as it will be very difficult to remove from them, the deposited dried paint “mist”.

ATTENTION! Paints and varnishes contain most of the time, an amount of solvent. Wear a mask when working.

Your effort will be rewarded in full. Besides the fact that you will have the satisfaction of a job done by yourself, you’ll have a beautiful home and you will save a significant amount of money.

Venetian Stucco – A Decorative Painting Type (

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