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Eclectic design style = well-calculated scenography

Eclectic style can be defined as a very well-calculated scenography.

Eclectic style refers to a well-planned scenography in which strong elements of design and art from various cultures are combined to represent a concept. It is a refined, artistic, and complicated style. It may be too relaxed, too dramatic for many of us.

The eclectic style in interior design is defined as the tendency to select components from other types that are thought to be the greatest, representative, or just favored.

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for more inspiration regarding other smart and clever ideas for your home interiors.

Let’s see one beautiful video from the channel:

Beautiful Home Interiors in Eclectic Design Style (video)

Eclecticism -difficult to define as a style.

Eclecticism is a fairly flexible style, yet it is also difficult to describe as a style because it lacks its own distinguishing traits and instead borrows them from different styles. It is a generous current that does not impose constraints but rather carries risks. An eclectic style arrangement requires a lot of ingenuity, daring, and common sense.

Eclectic style in interior design.

Interiors with an eclectic style might be a mix of minimalism, classicism, and vintage. It is the style that most frequently crosses the line between attractive and hideous, unified and chaotic, order and disorder. And this is because this style blends disparate aspects from several genres and attempts to bring them together in the same environment to build a story between them.

Predominant colors in the eclectic style.

Eclectic style denotes a synthesis of styles and elements from several eras. To avoid visual clutter, the background is painted in neutral colors. Original materials, color, and bold prints must all have a common denominator (a print, a color, or a shape).

The juxtaposition of old and contemporary in this home design style is a celebration of contrast. There are no extraneous details or cluttered parts, and each element has a clear place. The style emphasizes the originality of the furniture and works of art employed.

If you put one object here, another thing there, and one thing beyond into a room at random, it will look precisely like what it is: clutter. Nonetheless, this approach works.

Look for possibilities to draw similarities between light and dark, rustic and beautiful. You will instantly know when you have found the perfect balance. The color scheme can be altered, however neutral colors are generally preferred. White, cream, grey, black, and brown are ideal colors. The colors and textures utilized in the eclectic style rely heavily on contrast.

Eclectic style – accessorizing.

Visual echoes, pattern, texture, and shape all contribute to a room’s varied rhythm. Choose a few fundamental elements and consider their architecture. Consider the items you can reuse. You may achieve balance and an appealing combination by using a round mirror, a vintage wall clock, and an older coffee table in opposing designs.

Choose two basic colors to achieve chromatic equilibrium. Furthermore, the eclectic design allows for the mixing of different types of prints and colors, so the interior should have paintings, wall paintings, or at least one wall ornament. Handmade decorations and tiny pieces of handmade furniture work well here as well.

Eclecticism is characterized by a lack of rigid rules. The trick is to establish common ground between a limited palette and a gentle glow. Two chairs that do not match but have powerful outlines and about the same proportions can be placed on the table. The easiest method to perfect this blend is to select a few required criteria that will help you anchor yourself in the environment. Then you can play around with carpeting, artwork, lighting fixtures, and decorations.

These concepts are critical in any well-designed space, but they are more critical in a room with so many distinct parts. The special attention you devote to fundamental concepts ensures that every element is in its proper place. Nothing in the eclectic environment is picked by chance, whether it’s “dramatic” curtains next to a minimalist sofa, a traditional rug and accessories, or ornamental pieces from various cultures. Consider the relationship of a piece of furniture to the decor before placing it in an eclectic environment.

If it suffocates or overwhelms rather than stimulates, or if it becomes lost in the crowd, there may be a better position for it in the house. To be sure, combine pieces of furniture and accessories that are at least two years apart in age. This strategy will increase the contrast.

Texture adds dimension to the eclectic space. Almost every surface must offer something unique: an oriental rug, beautiful oak floors, luxurious materials, or an attractive desk. A diverse assortment of textural components stimulates our visual senses.

Treat the eclectic look the same way you would seat guests at a table: put the chatty folks next to the introverted ones, and everyone will be delighted. Because this design is an explosion of strong, solitary elements, the background – walls, floors, windows – must be plain to avoid competition.

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