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How to Use Corner Sofas in Contemporary Design

Living room corner sofa – considerations and ideas

The corner sofa has a lot to offer to any living room décor.

It is extremely comfortable, has a lot of seating space, and is also space-saving. The last one thing makes it a perfectly choice for a small living space.

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So, if you are a fan of the living room sofas, read our article and watch the last uploaded video

In our YouTube channel “Grig Stamate”

You will discover there around almost forty great design ideas for living room featuring corner sofa.

Furniture Placement Ideas, Corner Sofas | Living Room Design #31 (video)

The new uploaded video is the 31st part of the amazing video series: “Living Room design”.

You will also see there that a corner sofa is perfect for any living room décor regardless its shape, size or design, and decorating style.

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Smart Furniture Placement, Several ideas from the video

Allow me to present several ideas from the video:

We recommend you read other posts from our website regarding the furniture arrangement.

You can also check out the other thirty parts from the video series: “Living Room design”.

Other related posts from our website







Learn to integrate a corner sofa into your living room décor

If you watch our videos, you will learn how you can sensibly and stylishly integrate a corner sofa into the overall living room décor. You can also find, which is the best placement for it.

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The typical place for a sofa is often with its back to the wall.

This furniture placement way has practical advantages such as it makes the living room feel larger.

But the empty center of the room with just a coffee table is often just wasted space.

No matter the sofa size from the small corner sofa bed to the large corner sofa for the entire family here you will find clever ideas and solutions for many living rooms.

Watch the video and let yourself be inspired by these many designer ideas.

We sincerely hope you like our ideas from this post, and you have also enjoyed the new uploaded YouTube video.

See you next time to another article.

Thank you so much for your time.

Bye now

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