Are you tired to give money on expensive cleaning products that are not even half of what they promise? What would you say if you try to apply your grandmother’s methods of cleaning?
Did you know that ordinary vinegar can help you get rid of dirt in the house?
Let’s see together some household objects and places that you can clean with vinegar.

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1. Bathroom Ceramic Tiles
Do you want your bathroom to shine? Pour undiluted vinegar in a spray bottle, take a clean cloth or sponge and clean the ceramic tiles. The vinegar active substances clean the dirt, grease, soap and lime deposits. To be a stronger product, you can make a mixture of one cup of vinegar and half a cup of baking soda. Add this mixture into a pot filled with water and clean the grout between the tiles, and other places where dirt can be more persistent.
2. Shower Door
Shower door is prone to lime scale. If you want to effectively clean your shower door, spray it with undiluted vinegar and clean it thoroughly with a clean sponge.
3. Bathroom and Kitchen Sink Faucets
Bathroom and kitchen sink faucets can be covered with a generous layer of limestone, especially at the base. Vinegar can clean the area, but for this you need to place there a cloth soaked in vinegar and leave it there for an hour.
4. Clothes Iron
You have to admit that has happened to have problems with your clothes iron, more specifically to observe it eliminates dirty water or small particles of limestone.
There are special solutions to clean the iron, but if you don’t have them at hand, you can use the ordinary vinegar. Mix in a container equal parts of water and vinegar, then pour the liquid in the iron tank. Plug your iron, wait for the it to heat up, prepare a clean cloth that you are willing to sacrifice, then press the steam button until all the liquid from the tank is removed. You will notice that the material will immediately fill brown spots and lime, showing that vinegar does its job. Fill the tank with water and use the steam iron to clean the vinegar traces.
5. Children’s Toys
Children’s toys are sources of germs, bacteria and dirt. If you do not want to use chemical products to clean them, orient yourself to vinegar. Pour vinegar in warm water and clean the toys. The vinegar will even disinfect them.
6. Door Handles
Door handles are full of bacteria and germs. Spray vinegar on them, then wipe them with a dry cloth. Thus, you can disinfect and clean them of dirt.
Vinegar is also effective for cleaning door handles of kitchen cabinets.
7. Your Microwave
Inside the microwave oven may remain traces of grease. Experts say that you can simply clean them with vinegar. Fill a bowl with water and vinegar in equal amounts, place the bowl in the oven and turn it on for a few minutes. Vinegar fumes will soften the grease, which will be easy to clean.
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