Kevlar Concrete – The New, Super Strong Material Used to Manufacture Small Architectural Forms

Kevlar Concrete is a new, modern material that is used mainly to manufacture small architectural forms such as fireplaces, paving, fences, edge stones, façade stones, etc.

Kevlar Concrete vs. Ordinary Concrete

Kevlar concrete is strong as any type of concrete. The difference consists in the types of aggregates used.

As we know, ordinary concrete is a very important material in the construction industry, made from a mixture of Portland cement, sand, stones and water. It is a very strong material, highly resistant to compression but relatively weak under tension.

In comparison to the ordinary concrete, Kevlar concrete has much better mechanical, physical and ornamental properties. In fact, Kevlar concrete performs extremely well under tension. This is due to aggregates used in the Kevlar concrete composition.

These aggregates provide very strong mechanical and physical properties and in addition, create a water resistant shield. Shrinkage is greatly, diminished during the concrete drying.

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Components of Kevlar Concrete

1. Portland Cements M500 DO:

DO = Portland cement without any additional additives.

2. Granite Screening:

It can be used another filing material such as marble chips or any kind of rocks excepting limestone.

3. Pit or River Sand:

Concrete Block
Kevlar Concrete Paving

The sand must be clean without any impurities.

4. Colorants:

Colorants have to be:

– Insoluble in water, oil or other solvents
– Resistant to light
– Alkalin-resistant to cement

5. Plasticizer C3:

– It is crack resistant
– It increases concrete mixture fluidity
– It reduces the concrete cure
– It increases the moisture resistance

Kevlar Concrete Products

1. Paving, Edge, Decorative Stones:

You can create almost any type of stone from Kevlar concrete. Not only, that they will resemble the original, but they will be more resistant and reliable.

Kevlar adds durability of any works. In addition, the aesthetic effect will not be diminished.

2. Granite & Marble:

Granite and marble are extensively used in the construction industry. Examples are numerous. Floors, countertops, windowsills, fireplaces are some of the examples.

However, lack of flexibility and cracking tendency are some weaknesses of these building materials. Their Kevlar concrete replica reduces the frail nature of these beautiful stones, not to mention the increased flexibility, which greatly facilitates the possibility of execution of complex construction works.

3. Small Architectural Forms:

Architectural details execution can be expensive. Because of their particularity casting molds are expensive, but Kevlar concrete, due its flexibility, make any style or stamping much easier.

Metal and gold finishes treated with a Kevlar coating means an increased longevity to any architectural work.