Summer is already here and what can be better than spending unforgettable moments with your family and friends in your backyard or patio, around a hot charred grill waiting for your juicy hamburger or hot dog to be done. But what kind of barbecue grill is right for you?

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If you have decided to purchase a new grill and you are not sure yet, what type is better for you, this article can help you to choose the right one.
However, the offer is huge and you get confuse trying to select one. There are many factors to take in consideration such as:
- How many BTU’s do I need?
- What type is the best, electric, charcoal, propane or natural gas?
- What size should I get?
- What brand is the best?
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These are only a few questions, but in fact, there are hundreds of questions you can ask yourself, so this article can help you out.
You can choose from a wide range of electric barbecues, charcoal grills, pellet grills, propane barbecues, natural gas barbecues, portable grills, etc.
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If you want a flavored, smoky meat, you should definitely choose a charcoal grill. Actually, this is the old and traditional way of grilling and also, the cheapest and natural way. In fact, you need only a pit and some charcoal to get your grill started. It can work well on wood too. You can fuel it with wood pellets or if you do not have wood pellets you can use some dry branches or twigs and you have your barbecue started.
Although charcoal grills are relatively inexpensive and can produce great, tasty, flavored food, there are some disadvantages. A charcoal grill is a time-consuming way of grilling. You need to carry your fuel, to light your charcoal, in a word to deal with everything involves.
However, if you have a lot of time to spend with your family and friends it is a great type of grill, perfect for any party.
Joe Traeger introduced first pellet grill to the world in 1985. Today you can find a wide range of smokers and pellet grills.
The incomparable flavor of food and versatility make this type of grill a favorite, not to mention that any good pellet barbecue can grill, smoke and roast.
A wood pellet is a very small piece of hardwood. It has no more than ¼-inch in diameter and looks as a long pill. A wood pellet can burn relatively quickly but cleanly and it will produce a very fine ash.
The best thing is that wood pellets can burn at 8,500 BTU/pound and can come in many flavor varieties such as oak, hickory, apple, mesquite, cherry, etc
It is really, a great type of grill. It has an automated wood pellets feed. Practically, you turn the grill on, wait no more than 15 minute to heat up and you can grill whatever you want in no time, not to mention the flavor of your meal. Also, you can smoke for many hours in a completely automated controlled temperature.
The only disadvantage could be the availability and the price of fuel. The wood pellets price varies between $1 and $2 per pound. It can be much cheaper if you buy bulk.
An electric grill is the optimum solution for those who love to barbecue but are concerned about open flames.
In many ways, an electric grill can be the perfect solution for someone who does not have too much time to spend grilling, not to mention that this type of grill is less messy than a charcoal or even a gas grill.
However, you cannot get a real open fire flame flavor. Another down factor is that an electric grill cannot be moved wherever you want. Its mobility depends on access to an outlet or an electrical cord.
In conclusion, an electric grill is the last option for anybody who loves to cook on barbecue.
It is great for those with not too much free time or extremely careful with their health. It is perfect for small bites such as burger patties or grill fish.
Toaster-cum-electric grill works similar with electric grill, on electric supply.
It is easy to handle and less messy than other grills. It has an inbuilt grease collector.
However, its best advantage is that it can be operated even by children.
These types of grills are the most common types of grills. They are very simple to operate and have a huge popularity among grilling lovers.
A propane or natural gas grill produces an extremely high temperature quickly, reducing in this way, the cooking time. Your food will be evenly cooked.
Although, food cooked on gas grill is not as tasty as food cooked on charcoal or pellet grill, gas grill is the most popular grill in the world, because gas (natural or propane) is easy and very convenient. The only disadvantage for a propane gas grill is that the propane tank need to be refilled.
In the last time, infrared grill has gained a lot of popularity among users.
Its principle is simple. The radiant heat will heat a ceramic tile. Your food will be cook evenly and more than that, it will have a taste similar to the food cooked on charcoal grill.
However, this kind of grill has several disadvantages. One of them is that an infrared grill is too bulky and huge to be moved around.