Protect Your Home from Unwanted “Guests” – Catch an Animal with a Havahart Trap

Most people are animal lovers but let’s face it, sometimes wildlife can become a nuisance for your home. And not only, large animals such as raccoons, coyotes, etc. are dangerous to your pets.

Animal Trap

Generally, the municipality will catch these animals for you. You need only, to call them. However, there are various instances when is necessary to catch these animals by yourself, especially if you want to be sure that they will be gently treated.

In this article, we will see how we can catch a medium size. The secret lies in a good trap, a place where to place it and the right bait for the type of animal you want to catch.

1. Preparation

First, you need a plan, and not only for how to use a trap but also for how you should proceed with the caught animal. Maybe you need to transport the animal. If it takes a while to keep it in captivity, then you should feed it and water it. Be sure you recognize a mother with babies otherwise, they will die of hunger.

Generally, a wild caught animal is transported to a wildlife center and from there in a remote area. However, this is not applies to all species. Some wild animals, such as feral cats are euthanized.

Ideal would be to contact local authorities if you are unsure what to do with a captured animal.

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2. How to Obtain a Trap

Of course, you will find many traps on the market. There are different types of traps, some perhaps more human than others.

It seems that one of the most popular, successful and human is Havahart model. These traps are extremely well designed, strong and inexpensive. They do not require much maintenance.

Characteristic for this type of traps is that they are very human. They have blunt trapping arms, which do not harm the captured animals.

3. Where to Place the Trap

You should consider the following factors when you place a trap:

–  Do not place the trap on the pet ways. Keep your pets inside and tell your neighbors about your trap.

– Do not place the trap where is human traffic. It is useless anyway. Wild animals stay away from human ways.

– Do not place the trap in difficult spots such under a construction or a deck. It will be hard for you to pick up the trap, with an animal inside.

– It is a good idea to place your trap close to a water source in a shaded area.

– If you can watch for footprints in soil and place the trap in their way.

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4. Select the right Bait

It is extremely important to have the right bait for the animal you want to catch. Unfortunately, often we do not know what species is.

Generally, for an unidentified mammal you can use peanut butter. As for other baits, you can use cat or dog food, canned tuna, marshmallows. All are generally effective.

5. How to Prepare the Trap

Read the manufacturer instruction carefully. However, fill the collection plate with the chosen bait and put in the position the arming bar.

Cover the trap leaving only its ends uncovered. This will give the captured animal a sense of security and will protect it from large predators.

It is required to periodically check the trap. It would be inhuman to let the animal trapped for long periods.