Danby Dehumidifiers – Characteristics and Reviews

Usually, you are using a dehumidifier to remove moisture from inside of your home. They are a kind of appliances used to eliminate window condensation and other issues raised by an excessive moisture and thus improving your personal comfort.

In this image it is just a dehumidifier – not a Danby dehumidifier

Photo by Kopke Remodeling & DesignSearch basement pictures

A dehumidifier is extremely useful in a damp basement, keeping it dry. Generally, ground floor rooms and basements are susceptible to moisture build-up that needs to be reduced before reaching worrying levels. It is well known that excessive moisture can cause many problems including mildew, mold and even different structural damages to your home.

However, any dehumidifier presents some drawbacks such as:

– They are quite expensive;
– They can be also, pretty expensive to operate;
– They require continuous maintenance for a proper use.


Danby is one of the most famous brands of dehumidifiers.

Danby dehumidifiers have proved and still prove that are a real wise investment. They are affordable. For $300 or even less, you can have a very efficient dehumidifier that keeps your home dry. A Danby dehumidifier can improve significantly, the air quality inside your home, not to mention that a Danby dehumidifier can save you from painful costly repairs as result of excessive moisture damage.

Danby produces a wide range of dehumidifiers suitable for different room sizes, ranging from 600 square feet to 1,000 square feet. You need only, to measure your room and to choose the suitable dehumidifier for its size.


A Danby dehumidifier is one of the best-rated dehumidifier on the market today.

A Danby dehumidifier is an energy efficient dehumidifier – “Energy Star Rating” dehumidifier.

They are usually, come with 2 years warranty, which proves their durability and reliability.

Danby dehumidifiers are extremely quiet. In fact, you can hear only a low humming sound, a relaxing and restful sound.

They are extremely efficient in single rooms, crawl spaces or basements.

However, ease of use is perhaps, the main quality of these wonderful appliances. All of Danby dehumidifiers are built especially, to be user-friendly dehumidifiers.

– First, you can set easily the desired humidity level with its touch control; then you need only, to turn on your dehumidifier and within hours the humidity will drop to the desired level.
– All Danby units have little wheels that make them extremely easier to move anywhere in your home.


I do not think we can talk about major disadvantages of these dehumidifiers, perhaps only several considerations.

– The largest Danby dehumidifier type is not able to control humidity in a larger area of 1,000 square feet. Therefore, they are not able to adjust the humidity level of your entire home.
–  You need to empty regularly its bucket if you do not have access to a drain.

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