Fresh Interior Design Solutions for Modern Medium Size Apartments, #3

Modern apartments – a place for elegance and comfort

There is a space shortage in your apartment?

Do you have trouble with your makeover project?

You do not know how to keep the interior of your apartment neat and practical.

Then read this article and watch the new uploaded video in our YouTube channel “Grig Stamate” , which is the third part of the popular video series: “Fresh Interior Design Solutions for Modern Medium Size Apartments”.

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Fresh Interior Design Solutions for Modern Medium Size Apartments, #3 (video)

Here, in this video, you will get lots of inspiration from more than forty most wonderful apartment design ideas.

Take a look and be inspired by what you can do in your own apartment.

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Several examples from the video

Look! I do not want to spoil your interest for this amazing video. I want just to show what you can find there:

  • Superb medium-size apartment with modern open space concept, beautifully furnished and decorated with a lot of indoor plants. Large opening to a wide balcony.
  • Modern apartments with quite large master bedroom also with openings to large balconies.
  • Amazing coastal apartment design ideas with gorgeous ocean views.
  • Modern medium-size apartments with L-shaped open space, in light neutral color palettes.
  • Top of the building apartments, also with modern open space concept that brings together living, dining and kitchen areas.

I want to mention here that all the apartments presented in our video have large balconies and patios.

Other beautiful, related posts from our website

Let’s see several of them:






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Modern apartment design ideas

This is not the first time, and of course it will not be the last time when I will try to present you beautiful ideas regarding the modern apartments.

On both our website and YouTube channel we will continue to show a wide variety of creative designer ideas.

We are going to find for you more and more beautiful design and decorating ideas that are combination of beauty and practicality.

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I am sure that the design ideas from our video prove that functionality, beauty, and creativity can easily go hand in hand.

We also sincerely hope you like our ideas from this post, and you have also enjoyed our uploaded YouTube videos.

See you next time to another article.

Thank you so much for your time.

Bye now