This year is your turn to be the host for the greatest feast of the year, Thanksgiving Day. One of the most important tasks, outside of turkey preparation, is the cleaning of your home. However, with good planning and dividing your chore, you can clean your house in time and you will be ready to welcome your guests on the Thanksgiving Day.

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First, divide your home in working areas.
Clean the High Traffic Areas
Clean thoroughly the entrances of your home, the mudroom and hallways. It is well known that first impression matter. Therefore, start your cleaning with these home areas and continue with other main areas such as bathrooms, living room and dining room These rooms are likely to be the most visited areas of your home. You do not really expect your guests to visit the master bedroom, do you?
Clean the Visible Spaces
It is not time to move your furniture and clean everything, including under and behind your furniture. The best thing is to clean every visible spot. Therefore, dust and clean the countertops, bookshelves, tables, all the visible surfaces. Vacuum your suede sectional and armchairs and dust all the books and stuff from the shelves.
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Clean the Kitchen
Kitchen is the most prone room to be visited, in the Thanksgiving Day. Your friends will be willing to help you with the dishes and meal preparation. Therefore you need to clean thoroughly your kitchen. You should wipe down the countertop, clean the floor, polish the silver. Also, it is a good that your dishwasher to be empty and ready to receive the dirty dishes. Clean the garbage place and replace the garbage bag with a scented garbage bag.
Thanksgiving Decorations and Arrangements
Now, it is the time for you to decorate the house. Set the dinner table and pick up your ordered table centerpiece. With the meal prepared, you are ready prepared to welcome your guests.
Happy Thanksgiving Day