Dust often the surfaces.
Use a damp cloth to dust window sills, bookshelves and knickknacks, this way you can catch all dust before is spread.

Browse more vacuum cleaners on Houzz
Check regularly your dryer vent.
Your dryer produces moist air and this can cause mould. Be sure your vent is perfect attached sending the air outside of your home.
Keep your plants away from your carpet.
Rearrange your plants .Move them on hard floor surface. Plants can develop condensation and that can get inside of your carpet.
Use the vacuum cleaner.
Clean your mattress, run the vacuum in top and on the sides of your mattress to remove any mites.
Move your furniture around.
Moving your furniture away from air vent allow the air ventilation stopping the build-up of dust particles.
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Flooded Basement Cleaning Tips | How To Build A House (howtobuildahouseblog.com)
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