“Biophilia Hypothesis” means that is an instinctive bond and a close connection between human beigns and the living systems where they live. Knowing what “biophilia hypothesis” signifies, you are probably asking yourself what this term has to do with a construction business.
The explanation is quite simple. In fact, “Biophilic Design” and “Biophilia” has long been linked to the heady commercial architecture and urban domains, but this tends to change.
It has begun to be discussed and reviewed increasingly more in the everyday context of residential remodeling and building.

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However, in case you do not fully understand the meaning of these terms, let us review, briefly several explanations.
BIOPHILIA: The term biophilia comes from two Greek words “bios” (life, living) and “philia” (friendship or love), thus translated into English means simple “love of life”. For the first time, the term “Biophilia Hypothesis” was popularized and published in 1984 by the famous pioneer in sociobiology Edward Wilson. He claims that modern humans have a deep connection physiologically to the environment and other living systems and the “Philia” developed through millions of years of evolution. That may be the natural explanation, why some things make us feel really good, creating around us an atmosphere of serenity and peace. In fact, everything is related to our senses, sight, hearing, smell or even touch. Among these “things” we can mention wide open vistas and stunning views, the blue of sky or green of the trees, the running water sound, the high ground or the mountains, the colors of flowers and why not even the cute faces of our pets. Al these things have a very good effect on our emotional state. They are extremely important for our life and biophilia is actually an intuitive concept, deeply rooted in all of us.
BIOPHILIC DESIGN: In this context, from the concept of biophilia to biophilic design is only a step that has already been done, even in residential constructions and renovations. Biophilic design tries to return and include these environmental natural elements such as wide-open spaces, colors, sunlight, vegetation, and other organic patterns and shapes into our construction environments.
This is not really a new concept. It is used for a long time in office and commercial buildings. In fact, the commercial and corporate world has benefited and still benefit from the advantages of this intelligent design. Biophilic design helps to reduce the stress, fatigue, illness and absenteeism, resulting in an impressive increase in productivity and leading of course, to an economic growth. But not only. Retailers have high selling rates, schools have a higher coefficient of graduates and care facilities and hospitals have impressive recovery and healing results.
Nevertheless, today we hear increasingly more from this revolutionary concept and design in residential constructions and renovations, perhaps because the new trends are toward green constructions. So biophilic design can be treated as an important auxiliary component of green building movement. In fact, they mingle and blend perfectly. All these concepts such as resource-savings, sustainable, recycling, etc., can be also found in biophilic design. This is the secret to achieve a lasting and complete sustainability.
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