New Ways to Decorate with Plants, Home Decorating Trends

Biophilic design – a popular and well-maintained trend

You already know that plants need a special spot in your home, regardless of how long you’ve been a “parent” to them or how recently you’ve begun to assemble a group of green companions. You have every reason to fill your home with attractive plants because biophilic design is a trend that is successfully maintained this year as well.

If you’re new to gardening, try to pick species that aren’t too demanding, and constantly remember what kind of light and water each plant requires to thrive in your environment. We have several plant decor tips on our recently posted video that will serve as inspiration for you as you decorate your home using biophilic design trends.

Please read this article and watch the newly uploaded video from our YouTube channel:

“Grig Stamate – Interior Design Solutions”

New Ways to Decorate with Plants, Home Decorating Trends (video)

Beautiful Living Rooms, #13: Add Indoor Plants to Spruce Up the Space (video)

Decorating with plants – smart ideas

Plants may assist your home’s interior breathe more fresh air, but you can also utilize them to beautify different areas. If you’ve ever pondered what to place in a room’s corner, in front of a window that you don’t want to cover with curtains, or to divide up an open area, the solution may be as straightforward as using plants. Additionally, you may add color to the inside of the house with the help of plants. How? You can add color not just by varying the hues of the flowers and leaves, but also by using pot masks. Therefore, actual arrangements that will brighten up your home, not just plants.

Hanging, suspended plants

You have undoubtedly heard of hanging or suspended plants, but have you ever considered putting some, perhaps with lighting fixtures, just over a table or in the middle of a room? Yes, you can create setups with genuine lighting and vegetation.

Curtain of hanging plants?

You don’t want to drape or cover that window, right? Why not create a plant curtain? It might be a practical solution that will greatly benefit your wellbeing in addition to being aesthetically pleasing.

Indoor plants as room divider

If you don’t know how to accomplish it, would you like screens to partially divide some regions from a broader space? Plants can benefit you. Although you can mount them on vertical metal structures or even fence panels (white is more elegant for interiors), you can also use planters to delineate an area with a difference in level. You can both warn of and avert potential domestic mishaps in this way.

Plants on an accent wall

What can you hang over a sofa or a wall-mounted chest of drawers that you feel is too empty? Plants, you guessed it!  But be cautious about the containers you pick for them. With plants gathered in similar types of pot masks or hung in front of a series of ornamental mirrors, you may make actual installations. These masks can accommodate pots, which must be watertight, so that water collects at the pot mask’s base.

Bring color and texture to the home interior with the help of plants.

Yes, you may utilize plants to add color to the inside of your home. You can create contrasts inside using the green of the leaves or the color of the pots. A space that is too empty and too minimalist can be transformed into something downright exotic with the help of plants, and a room corner that is too white can be made cheerful and colorful with pots in vibrant colors and plants interior with flowers. There are many options that can be implemented. I hope our article and the videos motivate you to decorate your own home with the help of plants.

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