Ways to Soundproof a Finished Wall

There are lots of reasons why soundproofing is important. Unwanted sound can make even the most beautiful home a nightmare to live with, and getting a good night’s sleep in such a noisy environment can be quite a challenge.

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The fact is that newer construction homes lack greatly with respects to soundproofing. So, conversations are easily overheard, and privacy is almost nonexistent. Keeping the noise from getting inside your bedroom or from getting out in some cases can be beneficial to you and your neighbors.

Soundproofing is an option that might suit your needs. However, finished walls cannot be completely soundproofed, but there are some measures you can take to drastically reduce the noise leaving or getting inside your room. Soundproofing is something that must be looked at very seriously.

  • – First of all you have to seal off any leaks around windows with caulking.
  • – Replace the single paned window with a double-paned window. A good idea is to hang heavy curtains in front of the window which will absorb noise.

1/ A not too expensive solution to soundproof a finished wall is Green Glue. It is the cheapest method, and requires the least amount of work.

What you need are: glue, drywall, drywall tape and plaster. The glue is applied on the wall and then the new drywall is added on top of it. It is an effective method because of the glue which is a viscoelastic dampening compound that prohibits sound or noise from penetrating the surface.

– You need to apply a layer of glue on the wall. It can be done very easily.
– The new drywall will be adhered to it
– Then, you can apply plaster, tape and finish the job.

2/ A second method to soundproof a finished wall is to add an extra layer of drywall to the wall. But before that you can cut a 2-inch diameter hole in the wall and pump in cellulose insulation.

The new drywall can be directly attached to the studs using drywall screws. You can then add texture and paint the walls.

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