With every spring also comes a plus of energy to clean and freshen up our homes. And actually, why not?
After all, spring is the traditional time for a thorough cleaning of the property. And when we say a general cleaning, we say also a thorough revision of all your stuff to remove the items that are no longer useful or are worn and broken.
The question is where to start, because at first glance, this important household task seems a daunting chore.
First, it is wise to look closely how your stuff is actually placed and organized in your household, because now it is in fact, the right time for you to reorganize everything so as to serve you better.
I do not think it is someone who has not suffered because of congested closets. Actually, you cannot even realize which is the item that you need and which one you don’t. All are hidden in piles of clutter. It’s pretty hard to have access to those you really need, not to mention that sometimes you are not able to find them.
Perhaps this article can help you. You can find here several terrific tools and tips to improve your access to the home storage spaces, which will certainly ease your daily life.
Photo by WINN Design+Build – Look for exterior home design inspiration
Usually, all new designed kitchens regardless of the approached style feature many and various accessories that greatly eases your work. But what can you do when you are dealing with a traditional and quite old kitchen.
Pull-Out Drawers: If you want your kitchen to have modern amenities but a major renovation scare you or your budget does not allow you, then you could take in consider installing pull-out drawers on the bottom of the cabinets. You won’t dig anymore around on your knees and hands to find your kitchen stuff or toiletries. They will come themselves at your fingertips in pull-out drawers. These ingenious custom drawers are indeed a worthwhile investment. They help you to better organize your stuff and to take full-advantage of the whole storage space. They are specifically measured to fit your kitchen cabinets and more than that, they are designed to hold almost 100 lbs per shelf.
Food Storage: However the most difficult problem in a kitchen still remains the food storage. Maybe even your kitchen drawers are full with piles of mismatched bases and lids. The solution is simple. Sort and remove all the mismatched stuff. Buy only new items that stack easily maximizing in this way the storage capacity.
In general, a mish-mash of hangers is an important factor leading to clutter in your closet. You collect them easily over time, from dry cleaning or once with the new items.
The easiest way to reduce and even eliminate the chaos and clutter in the closet is to choose only one type of hangers for your use. Perhaps, one of the best products, especially for women are the hangers covered with fabric, which increase the friction making even the slippery clothes to stay in place.
However, if you do not have too much space available, you will have to make the most of vertical space in your closet. Usually you have a empty space in the closet, especially above the hanging bar or between your clothes and the floor.
You can take in consideration to raise the hanging bar or build some shelves to take full advantage of the above space and to use stackable plastic bins or wicker baskets for the bottom space.
However, as I mentioned earlier the question is how to start your spring cleaning because at first glance, this important household task seems a daunting chore.
Perhaps it is easier for you if you get organized with P.L.A.N., which actually consists of four steps. These four steps are essential and can help you tremendously to declutter and clean your house. From now on you can live more organized and your life will undoubtedly be more enjoyable. But what is P.L.A.N.?
P.L.A.N. is in fact four steps: Prioritize, Liberate, Arrange and Nurture:
- Prioritize — Determine what you want to do with your stuff or store in a storage space and how you wish this space to look. In this way, you will more easily determine what to keep in your storage space.
- Liberate — Remove or relocate the items that you don’t use anymore or you don’t use too often and can affect negatively your limited space.
- Arrange — Place your stuff in such a way that it is easy to find and reach them. Your daily activity will be more comfortable and stress free.
- Nurture — Educate yourself and also creates small habits like to put stuff in place after you have used or to remove the worn out items.
Cleaning and Sanitation of the Kitchen Trash Can (