Container Gardening Guide

Every house should have a garden but unfortunately for many a garden is only a dream. Container gardening is a perfect solution for those who do not have much space in their home, but would like to grow their own vegetables or flowers. An indoor flower or vegetable container garden is not too expensive to get started.

Moreover if want to keep your container garden indoor, your vegetables will produce every season and in fact, your miniature garden will cover the expenses in time.

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It is well known that cultivating and growing your own flowers and vegetables can affect quite seriously your budget, not to mention if you prefer to have all the time fresh flowers for your home and fresh vegetables for your snacks and meals. From this point of view, it is preferable to have a container garden, which is pretty low-maintenance and can be indeed a plus for your house.

Decide what Plants You Would Like to Grow

First of all, you should choose what vegetables and/or flowers you would like to grow. You can buy seeds or even different starter plants at every home depot store or Lawn & Garden Center.

Choose Your Containers

Secondly, you need containers to grow your flowers and/or vegetables in. It is your choice. You can choose ceramic or wooden pots, smaller or bigger for each plant, or you can buy rectangular window containers to hold several plants and match the style of your house.

Potting Soil

You need now the potting soil. There are many types of potting soil, so choosing the right one for your home can sometimes, be quite difficult. However, make sure you choose the one that is suitable for indoor plants. It is a good idea to purchase a soil that already contains nutrients.

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Set Up Your “Garden”

Finally, you can set up your little garden. Fill up your all containers with soil, but still leave room at the container top. If you have separate small ceramic pots for your plants, make a small hole in the pot center, and put the seeds or seedling in that hole. Push gently the soil around your starter plant or cover the seeds.

Water carefully the soil, just to moisten it, not to have an excess of water.

If you prefer a window box to grow your plants, fill the container with potting soil, leaving just a little room at the top edge of the box.

Dig holes equally spaced on the mid-line and put your seeds or seedlings in the soil. However, make sure you leave enough distance between your plants. In this way you can be sure that your plants have enough room to grow, not to mention that the roots of every plant won’t grow in the neighboring plant. When you finish planting arrange gently the soil around each plant or cover well the seeds. Water carefully the potting soil.

Maintaining Your Little Garden

Once all your containers are planted, it remains only to place them in a window or a bright place in your home, where they can benefit from a lot of light. Keep all the time the potting soil moist, but without be soaking wet.

Do not forget the nutrients according to the plant type. These plants will bloom and produce for many years if well groomed, providing a lot of enjoyment to your family and will increase the charm of your home.

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