DYNAMIC & SOPHISTICATED LOOK, Pull sofas away from the wall


If you want to give your living room a fresh and stylish makeover, one of the easiest and most effective ways is to pull your sofas away from the wall. This simple trick can transform the look and feel of your space, creating a more dynamic, sophisticated, and inviting atmosphere.

Living Room 1

Please read our article watch the newly uploaded video from our YouTube channel:

“Grig Stamate – Interior Design Solutions”


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Here are some of the benefits and tips of pulling your sofas away from the wall:

Benefits of pulling your sofas away from the wall

It can make your room look bigger.

When you place your sofas against the wall, you create a lot of empty space in the center of the room, which can make it look sparse and unbalanced. By pulling your sofas away from the wall, you can fill up the space more evenly and create a sense of depth and dimension.

It can create a more intimate and cozy setting.

When you pull your sofas away from the wall, you can create a more enclosed and defined seating area, which can foster a more comfortable and conversational mood. You can also use the back of the sofa as a divider to separate different zones in an open-plan space, such as a living room and a dining room.

It can add a touch of luxury and elegance.

When you pull your sofas away from the wall, you can showcase their shape and style more prominently, which can make them look more expensive and refined. You can also accessorize them with cushions, throwers, and rugs to add more texture and color.

Tips for pulling your sofas away from the wall

Consider the traffic flow and functionality of the room.

You don’t want to block the pathways or make it difficult to access other furniture or features in the room. Make sure there is enough space behind and around the sofas for people to walk comfortably and safely.

Balance the weight and scale of the sofas with other elements in the room.

You don’t want to make the sofas look too dominant or too small in relation to the rest of the room. You can use other pieces of furniture, such as chairs, tables, lamps, or plants, to create a harmonious and symmetrical arrangement.

Experiment with different angles and positions.

You don’t have to pull your sofas completely away from the wall or place them parallel to each other. You can try different angles and positions to create more interest and variety in the room. For example, you can place one sofa perpendicular to the wall and another sofa facing it at an angle, or you can place one sofa in the center of the room and another sofa along the wall.

Living Room 12


Pulling your sofas away from the wall can be a simple and effective way to create a dynamic and sophisticated look in your living room. Try it out and see how it can transform your space and mood. You might be surprised by the results!

Let’s see here, three of them:




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