Before creating a storage solution for your kids’ room, you should take in consideration several factors such as how old is your child, child’s personality, child sex, the size of the room, the storage system flexibility and of course, your budget. The storage flexibility is very important, considering a child is constantly growing.

Photo by Wind and Willow Home – Search kids’ room pictures
This means that stuff to be stored is changing and in the same time and the manner of this stuff storage. What is perfect for a preschool kid is not suitable for a teenager. Therefore, storage room for your child is supposed to be designed and organized so that it can be updated from time to time without too many expenses. After all, staying within your budget limits is the most important thing. Your budget will determine the type of system for your kids’ room storage.
The best is to choose and purchase a practical, durable, long lasting and functional storage system at an affordable price. The size of available space for storage is another issue that you have to take in consideration when you choose a storage system. You cannot purchase a large piece of furniture for a small closet. The age and sex of your child will determine the stuff needed to be stored. However, you need a functional storage system where your child may store clothes, shoes, sports equipment, etc. according to his or her age and personality.
Clever Storage Ideas for Kids Room (
When choosing a storage system type is wise to choose a flexible and adaptable system. This will enable you to easily update the storage system according to your child’s age and preferences. In fact, a storage system does not apply only to a closet. Let’s see some options that you can successfully apply to your kids’ room.
1. However, the first solution is fitting the room closet. You can find many closet organizers that are very easy to install and also, at an affordable price. There are flexible systems for both clothing and footwear. Shelves where your kids can store their stuff in cardboard boxes or in wicker baskets or inexpensive systems such as sweater racks or hanging shoes can be smart options for your kids’ room closet.
2. A great and smart solution can be a room corner hammock where your children can easy gather and store their toys, such as dolls, balls, stuffed animals, etc.
3. Of course, this solution can be matched with a standing plastic rack with shelves or with wall plastic shelves where your kids can store their other stuff. Bookshelves should not miss from a child room. They are great for holding books, electronics or other small stuff in plastic bins or whicker baskets. However, make sure the bookshelf is anchored to the wall to prevent any accident.
4. Shoe organizers such as an inexpensive pocket shoe organizer or over the door shoe racks can be other smart ways to organize small kids’ items and make a free clutter room.
5. Another inexpensive way to store the kids’ stuff can be a plastic rolling cart. It can be hidden behind a screen, in a closet or it can be integrated in the room décor.
6. Use the under bed space. Plastic bin containers or wicker baskets that fit under the bed can be a great and smart way to storage cloths, toys or other children stuff.
7. If your budget allows then a modern and functional furniture is a great addition for the kids’ room. Armoires are a great and long-term investment. When your child is young, the armoire can be used to store games, toys, clothes and shoes. When your child has grown and is a teenager, he can use this armoire to store age-appropriate stuff such as sport equipment, school supplies, etc.