Arranging and decorating a small bedroom can be a quite difficult task because you have to find new solutions to make this space a functional one. Give free rein to your imagination and find out what items you can eliminate, or which need to be considered to make your bedroom look bigger.

Photo by CM Natural Designs – More bedroom ideas
1| Take into Account the Bedroom Location throughout Your Home
Think of your bedroom as a space without definition of the house. Here are some questions you should ask yourself.
– Has it a logic or utility where is located?
– What size is the bedroom, compared to nearby areas?
– What other areas there are beside him?
In some cases, it happens that very small bedrooms to have sizes even smaller than those of a bath do. It is nonsense: you will never spend more time in the bathroom than in the bedroom. In many cases, a balcony, a closet, den or wall cabinet can give you ways to increase space in the bedroom. Tear down the walls that do not jeopardize the stability of the house and use this gained space.
Another solution is to turn your bedroom into an office or a dressing room, and to make your bedroom in another part of the house.
However, if none of the solutions is applicable in your case go to plan B, which is planning and decorating.
Beautiful Small Bedrooms | Interior Design Ideas #11 (video)
2| Paint Your Bedroom and Allow Natural Light to Come Inside
Paint your bedroom in a light shade. Very small space will seem even smaller if the walls are dark. The ceiling should be of a bright white to give the impression of space and height.
Use plenty of natural light. Although a small space is a big disadvantage, you can have other advantages such as natural light. Put light colored curtains and let the sun to penetrate inside. Even a small room is more cheerful and pleasant when enjoying plenty of natural light. Curtains should be long, attached near the ceiling and reaching the floor. They will attract the eye and will give the illusion of a larger space. Also use plenty of artificial light but only in warm, open colors, because if the light is too bright or dark, the space will seem smaller.
3| Increase the Space through Diagonal Lines on the Floor
Floor, whether it’s tile, flooring or carpet, must have bright colors, preferably in two tones, arranged in diagonal lines. Entering in the room, eyes will follow the lines of the floor, giving the impression of more space than manage to do simple floor or in parallel lines.
4| Increase the Space with a Large Mirror
If you have a large wardrobe, put on its doors mirrors to give the illusion of space enlargement. You also can put a large mirror directly on a wall so that the sunlight to reach it. You create a size enlargement effect.
5| Choose the right furniture
In a very small space is not recommended to go extremely. Generally, in small spaces there is a tendency to use smaller furniture and decorations. In fact, it is a bad idea. “Small by small” is not a really a good choice because they will accentuate the main bedroom defect: the lack of space.
Choose a standard bed. In small bedrooms, it is not recommended headboard and footboard beds, because it fragments the space. Use a bed without headboard, or one with a small headboard.
Think about what other furniture you absolutely need it. In a small bedroom, you may not necessarily need two nightstands.
If you choose a wardrobe, it is better to be tall and not one long one, because you will lose floor space. Depending on your needs, you can make a custom-closet so that to be divided for all your stuff. In this way, you will be able to organize clothing, linens and other things that otherwise would stay strung through the bedroom.
Use shelves attached directly to the wall at height. For example, you can have a small library of over the bed or table. Books can also be placed in the side frame of the bed in specially designed shelves. The TV set can also be suspended.
Thus, you will gain enough space. However, do not overdo with these such kinds of tricks because the bedroom walls should not be loaded.
6| Take Advantage of a Small Bedroom
Your bedroom is small, but you could to turn this disadvantage into a good thing. For example, small can mean intimate. Create your own intimate space, using lamps with lampshade made of paper, glass bowls with candles or a bedding of fluffy material etc. You can also hang on the wall near the bed, wrought iron containers that hold glass vase with thick candles. They are space saving being attached directly on the wall, at the headboard level and create a great atmosphere. Other variants are wall appliqués, attached and used as lamps.
Walls, which normally are small, they may appear larger if they are painted in light colors and if you use tiny paintings. For example, on the wall, where it is the headboard, above it, you can put a series of small, square paintings arranged in a straight line. This will give the impression that the wall on which are placed is larger.
7| Keep It Simple
Choose only 2-3 colors for your interior design and eliminate the possible overlapping models. For example, avoid to have the quilt with a pattern, your rug with another, curtain with another and so on. If you have multiple lines, shapes, forms, colors, prints, etc., your room will look too loaded. Simplicity helps you get a more airy space.
Small Bedroom Decorating Ideas | How To Build A House (