Drywall or sheetrock is the most common material used in house construction. It is a composite board made of plaster which is held together by two pieces of strong paper. Because is so thin, insulation is necessary to prevent heat loss and for sound absorption (soundproofing).

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Today, new condos have a good insulation rating, but if you are living in an old home it is maybe necessary to enhance house insulation.
How can you that, without tearing down your drywall?
A solution would be to blow foam insulation or cellulose into the cavities, through small holes cut on walls.
The idea is to cut these holes on the interior rather than exterior wall. You don’t need to add plaster renovation to your work. However, if your house has horizontal wood siding, that can be removed without any damage, and you can blow it insulation from outside. Then you can easily install back the wood siding.
Blowing Insulation through the Small Holes Cut on Interior Wall
1. First of all you should run a stud finder along the wall close from the ceiling (almost 5 or 6 inches).
2. Mark each side of the stud with a carpenter pencil.
3. Using a drill start making holes (1 ¼ inch diameter) between studs.
4. You can hire a professional company to blow the insulation or you can do it yourself. You can rent an insulation blower from hardware stores or insulation providers.
5. The best place where you can set up the insulation blower is outside the home near a window.
6. Read carefully the rental equipment instructions. Then, attach the house and the foam insulation canisters.
7. Before starting to blow, don’t forget to put on safety goggles and a breathing mask.
8. Blowing insulation is easier than you think. You need only to blow until the blower begins to vibrate which is an indication the wall cavity is full. You should then release the trigger. Proceed the same for each hole in the wall.
9. The next step is the hole repairs. Press down on foam insulation inside each hole. Then fill the hole with foam filler and allow time to dry.
10. When the foam filler is dried, cut it flush to the drywall with your utility knife. Spread over a thin layer of drywall compound and allow again time to dry.
11. Next step is a smooth sanding. For finish prime and paint the holes in the same color as the whole wall.
Removing Sticky Duct Tape Residue from Your Stuff (howtobuildahouseblog.com)