Usually, the most popular finishes for wood floors are stain or clear varnishes. However, in the last time, painted wood floors are more popular. Why?
- The paint finish is durable.
- The paint finish is less expensive than other finishes.
- The color of the floor can match with the room walls and give a special aesthetic effect.
- You can use the floor color as a base for stenciling.
- A painted wood floor is fit for any décor, even for a contemporary look.

Photo by Frederick + Frederick Architects – Discover hallway design ideas
Tools and Materials
– Level; Sander; Drill; Roller; Paintbrushes; Putty Knife; Plastic Sheets; Painter Tape
– Bleach; Sandpaper; Patchy Compound; Primer; Paint
Wooden Flooring vs. Tile Flooring – Considerations (
Steps to take
1. Preparation
- As in any other kind of job, painting of your wood floor requires a very good preparation.
- Using a water-bleach solution, wash thoroughly the surface to remove the mildew.
- Sand the wood floor, to remove the old paint or varnish.
- Vacuum the wooden dust
- Make the necessary repairs.
- Using again the water-bleach solution, clean the wood flooring to remove the dirt and grime.
- Protect the walls with plastic sheets and painter tape.
2. Apply the primer
- Using a 3” brush cut in the primer along the sides of the floor; Start from a corner in the both directions on a length of 4 ft.
- Using a medium-nap roller apply the primer over the surface; Work in one direction
- Now, work with the roller, perpendicular on first direction. This will facilitate the primer spreading into the wood.
- Come again with the roller; Work gently and lift the roller at the end of each stroke.
- Proceed similar to the following section and finish the floor.
- Allow time to primer to dry.
3. Apply the paint
- Using the same techniques apply the paint to the wood floor.
4. Decorative techniques
However, you can consider the painted wood floor only a base for applying different patterns, which can give special effects.
You can use techniques such as stenciling or spatter painting.