Small Space Hacks: Opt for Furniture with Tapered Legs


Living in a small space can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be boring. With some clever design choices, you can make your home feel more spacious and stylish. One of the easiest ways to do that is to opt for furniture with tapered legs.

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“Grig Stamate – Interior Design Solutions”

Small Space Hacks: Opt for Furniture with Tapered Legs (video)

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What are tapered legs?

Tapered legs are legs that are wider at the top and narrower at the bottom. They are often found in mid-century modern furniture, but they can also suit other styles and aesthetics. Tapered legs create a sense of lightness and elegance, as they lift the furniture off the floor and create more visual space.

Why are tapered legs good for small spaces?

Tapered legs are good for small spaces because they have several benefits, such as:

  • They make the room look bigger. Tapered legs allow lighter and air to flow under the furniture, which creates an illusion of more space. They also draw the eye upward, which makes the ceiling seem higher.
  • They make the furniture look more versatile. Tapered legs can be easily detached and reattached, which means you can move the furniture around or swap the legs for a different look. You can also mix and match different types of tapered legs, such as wood, metal, or acrylic, to suit your mood and style.
  • They make the furniture look more stylish. Tapered legs add a touch of sophistication and charm to any piece of furniture, whether it’s a sofa, a coffee table, or a dresser. They can also complement other elements of your decor, such as rugs, pillows, or plants.

How to choose furniture with tapered legs?

When choosing furniture with tapered legs, there are some things to consider, such as:

  • The size and shape of the furniture. Make sure the furniture fits your space and doesn’t overwhelm it. Choose furniture that has a simple and sleek design and avoid bulky or ornate pieces. You can also opt for furniture that has multiple functions, such as a sofa bed, a storage ottoman, or a nesting table.
  • The color and material of the furniture. Choose furniture that has a neutral or light color, such as white, beige, or gray, to make the room look brighter and more spacious. You can also choose furniture that has a natural or organic material, such as wood, rattan, or linen, to add some warmth and texture to the room.
  • The style and mood of the furniture. Choose furniture that reflects your personality and taste, and that matches the overall theme of your room. You can go for a classic and elegant look, a retro and funky look, or a modern and minimalist look. You can also add some pops of color or pattern to the furniture, such as cushions, throws, or accessories, to make it more fun and livelier.

Examples of furniture with tapered legs

Here are some examples of furniture with tapered legs that you can use in your small space:

  • A sofa with tapered legs. A sofa is a must-have in any living room, but it can also take up a lot of space. A sofa with tapered legs can make your living room look more spacious and inviting, as it creates a sense of openness and comfort. You can choose a sofa that has a low back, a curved armrest, or a tufted seat, to add some character and flair to the sofa.
  • A coffee table with tapered legs. A coffee table is a useful and versatile piece of furniture, but it can also clutter the room if it’s too big or too busy. A coffee table with tapered legs can make your room look more elegant and refined, as it creates a focal point and a contrast to the sofa. You can choose a coffee table that has a round, oval, or triangular shape, to add some interest and variety to the room.
  • A dresser with tapered legs. A dresser is a practical and essential piece of furniture, but it can also make the room look smaller and darker if it’s too tall or too deep. A dresser with tapered legs can make your room look airier and brighter, as it creates more space under and around the dresser. You can choose a dresser that has a simple and clean design, and that has some drawers or shelves for storage.


Furniture with tapered legs is a great way to make your small space look bigger and better. Tapered legs can make your furniture look more light, versatile, and stylish, and they can also enhance the overall look and feel of your room. So, the next time you’re shopping for furniture, opt for furniture with tapered legs and see the difference for yourself.

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