Did you know that in Scandinavia and North America 90% of the buildings are made of wood? In Japan, in areas where earthquakes are common, local authorities require the construction of wooden houses that are more flexible and better withstand shocks.

Photo by Rocky Mountain Homes/Rocky Mountain Log Homes – Search patio pictures
Although in many countries, urban wooden houses are not as popular as in the USA or Canada, it is good to know that they have many advantages:
1. Execution time required for a log home is about 60 days from the time of order, depending on the size and complexity of construction. This is because most companies that deal with such constructions work with prefabricated modules that require only installation.
2. The cost of building a wooden house is up to 40% less than for a house brick and concrete.
3. Wood is easy to process so you can opt for an extremely wide range of interior and exterior finishes. Moreover, wooden houses can be covered with prefabricated materials to give them a modern design and beams can be covered with plaster – cardboard if you do not want your home to have a rustic look.
4. Wood is a good thermal insulator so will save money for heating in winter. Several studies have shown that a log home energy consumption is about 60% smaller than a brick house.
5. Wooden houses are very resistant in time, wood is renewable. In addition, a log home has a better resistance to earthquakes of high intensity over 8 on the Richter scale since this material is more elastic.
6. The air inside a wooden house is never too dry or too wet for the wood helps maintain the optimum moisture in the atmosphere. A house that does not have problems with moisture will have a constant temperature.
7. The walls of wooden house are not cold or wet. Water is used when building a traditional masonry house and the walls of such buildings dries well only in about 10 months.
8. Wooden houses are recommended for people with respiratory problems or those with allergies because they do not allow the submission of dust.
9. These homes are environmentally friendly and can be installed in areas where the environmental permit is not granted for a classic home.
10. Wooden houses can be reinstalled on another site depending on the needs.
An amazing post here, about cottages and cabins:
Cozy Cottages and Cabins | How To Build A House (howtobuildahouseblog.com)