Before building or remodeling there are many things to take in consideration, such how many improvements and repairs you want to do to your home or what type and how big will be your new home.

By Bud Dietrich, AIA New Port Richey – See more Home Design Photos
Another important issue is if you consider hiring a contractor to do your job or you have the skills and prefer to do yourself everything or at least, some parts of the job.
However, the most important thing for your project is as always, money. You should decide what kind of loan is fits your needs.
Let’s start again, from beginning. First of all you should decide kind is your project, a remodel or a new house.
Your decision will determine the type of the loan which will be the most appropriate for you.
1. Building a New House If your decision is a new home, than obviously, a construction loan is the best for you. Its name is saying, a construction loan is a type of loan for construction purposes.
When you are approved for a sum of money, in the same time you start the construction you can start to use money from the loan.
Characteristic for this loan is that the interest starts only you start to draw money from the loan and will be applied only on the borrowed sum. That will be good for you because you might not end up spending the whole loan and save money in the construction process.
However, the most important thing for you is to pay attention to the loan interest rates that can be fixed or variables. You should weight carefully the options and check the market tends.
- 2. Remodeling When you remodeling, the best loan for you would be a home equity loan.
A home equity loan is the name for the second loan you get for your house and the house is the collateral just as the bank used for your first mortgage.
Once again you should pay attention to the interest rates. However for this kind of loan the interest has a higher rate than other loan types.
These two loans are only two examples of what types of loans are available for remodeling or building. Of course, there are many other options you may consider. However, the most important thing for you is to carefully weight every option available when you are shopping for a loan.
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