Wrought-iron products are lost in the mists of time. Wrought-iron products are timeless, they have a magic charm and they are fit for any home. There is an endless range of wrought iron products such as gates, lamps, balusters, railings, accessories, curtain poles, fireplaces, outside and inside furniture.

Photo by Site Design Studio – Discover patio design inspiration
Although the most part of wrought-iron is for the outside furniture, in the last time inside wrought-iron furniture regains its place in the preferences of people.
Besides its particularly aesthetic aspect, wrought-iron furniture is durable, corrosion resistant, maintenance free and easy to restore it.
Follow these tips for restoring a wrought iron chair. It is easy to do and it can look like new again.
1. Start preparing a work area somewhere outside on a deck or wherever you have good ventilation.
2. Lay down a plastic sheet or a drop cloth to protect the floor.
3. Use a wire brush to brush thoroughly the entire surface of the chair. That will remove the old paint, debris and dirt.
4. Use a sponge and a lot of water to wash the chair. Get into any details, holes, archways, etc. Let it dry.
5. Apply a coat of rust converter. Rust converters are primers designed to be applied on rusty surfaces to protect them from corrosion. Allow 48 hours to dry completely.
6. If it is necessary, apply another rust converter coat. Allow again 48 hours to dry completely.
7. For finish, use an oil-based paint in your chosen color. You can use a brush or you can spray a coat of paint. Allow time to dry and apply the second coat. For a cloudy tint, apply even a third layer of paint.
8. Make sure the chair is dried completely, before bringing the chair inside.
Modern Outdoor Design | How To Build A House (howtobuildahouseblog.com)