Winter has already come. Days are shorter, nights longer and colder. You consume more and more energy to warm up the house, but sometimes it happens that no matter how much energy you consume, the house remains cold and inhospitable.
Generally, this is a problem for outdated old houses.
If you are living in this house then, here are some tips that can help you warm up your home, to make it more comfortable, more inviting.
1. Add Cavity Wall Insulation
Adding insulation to your outside walls can make a huge difference. This work can be done easily, in a short time, and is not too expensive.
Adding cavity wall insulation can be easily executed from the outside, without any impediment for you.
Make sure the wall cavity is depth enough, before blowing insulation.
It is necessary a minimum depth for this type of work.
Sometimes is happens that only parts of your outside walls are suitable for this operation and others are not.
That is characteristic to many home additions, which have the outside walls without necessary minimum depth.

Photo by Attic Boss – Search home design pictures
2. A Thicker Insulation Layer in the Attic
The attic is responsible for 25% of heat loss. A thicker layer of insulation will rectify this.
3. Replace Your Outdated Windows with New Modern Ones
Your old outdated wooden windows contribute to a great heat loss and therefore, to a useless waste of energy.
Have you ever thought to replace your old windows with new double glazed ones?
This will improve dramatic the heating home efficiency.
4. Seal airtight your exterior doors and the letter box
Your home exterior doors, even the letterbox have a big contribution to the heat loss and make your hallways chilly. Sealing airtight your doors, buying draught excluders for your letterbox will reduce your energy loss.
5. Add extra heating in hallway
Adding some heaters in the hallways may increase the overall heating of your home.
6. Do not heat the entire house
If you are living in a big house, the best is to restrict your living space in the cold season. So, it is better to warm up only the part of your home that you use.
XP Insulation vs. Rigid Mineral Wool Foundation Insulation (