When you want to divide a large living room in more areas, there is no need for permanent walls.
Resorting to some tricks, and using furniture and decorative objects, you can create different areas in your living room.
Vibrant Midcentury Modern Living Rooms (video)
1. Open Shelves
Perhaps, one of the most traditional methods is to use open bookshelves, without plywood in the back.
The opening allows light to get through and an unobstructed sight. However, at the same time, bookshelves will define and divide space in distinct areas.
Moreover, you can fill shelves with your items and decorative objects that can be viewed from both sides of the shelves.

Photo by Chalk Studio – More living room ideas
2. Living Plants
Living plants can be a delightful way to divide a room. It should be bushy and high enough for an effective dividing.
Exotic plants that are best suited: “Fichus Tree”; “Palm Tree”; “Oleander”; etc.
Of course, many other plants are suitable. The condition is to have branches and leaves as much as possible.
These living plants have a great decorative effect and they are also very effective for our purpose.
3. Sofa and Sectionals
With a sofa or a sectional, placed in the middle of the room, you can create a social area, where you gather with family and friends around the coffee table, and behind the sofa, you can have a completely different area.
A sofa placed in the middle of the room, so the possibility of more adequate lighting. You can place a lamp behind sofa, or you can place two lamps in the both ends on small tables. In this case, you have the advantage of two separate lighting areas.
Designer Living Room Furniture | How To Build A House (howtobuildahouseblog.com)
4. Plexiglass Panels
Plexiglass (Extruded Acrylic) sheets is a transparent plastic used as a substitute for glass.
You can find plexiglass, which is coming in different sizes and colors, at your hardware store.
Using plexiglass sheets as room dividers is a smart idea. They are beautiful, ornamental that allow light to pass through them.
5. Suspended Panels
Another option could be suspended panels. They are great for those who prefer more exotic or artistic decorations.
They are made from a wood frame, suspended with a skin of any material you want, such as “Decorative Paper”; “Wooden Plank”; “Wallpaper”; “Rope”; etc
You can paint these panels or you can embroider, sew, apply some items, etc.
In this category might fall lattice, made of wood or plastic. They have a special aesthetic look and you can hang on them pots with colorful flowers.
6. Lace Panels
Another ingenious idea and really an effective way to divide a room are lace panels.
You need two rails, attached to the ceiling and floor. Between them, you can plait rope. Use rope of different thicknesses and give rein to your imagination and creativity.
You can hang the created net different objects such as shells, dried flowers, paper or fabric stars or butterflies, etc.
7. Chinese Screens
Screens and especially Chinese screens are the most traditionally dividers for a room.
If you can find antiques, valuable models, then you can be sure that the look of your room will be much improved.