Hiring a Building Inspector:
All the properties that are for sale will always be made to look their best. If you are thinking of buying a home, you should have it thoroughly inspected before the final purchase by an experienced and impartial professional inspector.

Photo by Magic City Inspections – Discover home design design inspiration
Having a building inspector will help you decide whether you should buy the property or not.
Also, knowing as much as you can about the condition of the property before you buy will help you avoid problems and extra costs down the track.
The best way of doing this is to get a pre–purchase property inspection report.
A pre-purchased property inspection report is one of the different types of building inspection reports, and is the one you get before you buy a property. The inspector will evaluate and report the condition of the structure, roof, foundation, drainage, plumbing, heating system, central air-conditioning system, visible insulation, walls, windows, and doors. Only those items that are visible and accessible by normal means are included in the report. This inspection is usually carried out before you exchange sale contracts so you can identify any problems with the property.
When looking for a building inspector, your best bet is to check online. There is lots of building inspections available in market. Try to find the most appropriate for your property (license, qualification, experience). Knowing that the service provider has all the qualifications of a professional building inspector is crucial because only a legitimate service provider will know the internal structure of the house or building and he is aware of new developments in this field.
The best time to consult the inspector is right after you’ve made an offer on your new building. However, the real estate contract usually allows for a grace period to inspect the building.
A good idea is to ask your professional agent to include this inspection clause in the contract. This will make your purchase obligation contingent upon the findings of a professional inspection.
Of course you can inspect the building yourself. But, even the most experienced building or home owner lacks the knowledge and expertise of a professional inspector. An inspector is equally familiar with the critical elements of construction and with the proper installation, maintenance and inter-relationships of these elements.
However, the purchase of a home is one of the largest single investments you will ever make. You should know exactly what to expect — both indoors and out — in terms of needed and future repairs and maintenance.
Building a Small House – Benefits and Considerations (howtobuildahouseblog.com)