If your time is precious, then surely you need the services of an interior designer or an interior design studio.
But if you have enough spare time, then why to resort to the services of an interior designer? Take time to, study websites, magazines or TV shows. You can attend even a crash course in interior design. In this way, you can save a lot of money and perhaps arranging your home, your office or commercial space, it will not seem a too big challenge.

Photo by Gonyea Custom Homes – Look for home design pictures
However, in this article I wish to present just some of the problems that can occur and may turn a dream into a financially and aesthetically nightmare.
When Do You Need an Interior Decorator (Designer)?
1| When you do not have experience in this field;
2| When you do not have the necessary skills or if you have, they are not yet tested in actual works of interior design;
3| When you do not know all the materials used in interior design;
4| When you did not have decided on a desired style arrangement;
5| When you did not have worked yet, with execution teams specialized in interior finishing;
6| When you are not familiar with materials and technology or with proper techniques and execution.
Benefits of Working with a Professional Designer
A studio specializing in interior design will help you to organize the successive stages of interior design, will direct you to the best solutions and provide you an overview of the budget that will be allocated for development works. Of course, you should add these service costs to the final costs but hiring a team with experience in design and management of design will lead to significant savings in time for you. In addition, many unexpected costs will be avoided, because you will benefit from a professional interior design project and from professional technical assistance during the execution of this project.
A customer’s design studio will present a project supported by 3D representations. These 3D presentations are intended to describe the project as close to reality such as in the designers vision. After all, you will have the last word, deciding if what is presented by design team is what you want. Moreover, another milestone of the project is taken over by members of the design studio, when they will select materials and suppliers, together with the project budget necessary to the implementation of the solution design. This is in fact, another time when working with professionals will show you the benefits both in terms of time savings and financial savings.
Project manager, will present you the best deals on design elements and finishing materials. Choosing colors, materials and design parts will be made in accordance with the design project avoiding the additional costs of wrong choices regarding colours, furniture, tiles, wallpaper, lighting, curtains, flooring, etc.
How Do You Know if the Design Team Will Be Compatible with Your Requirements?
The first meeting with the designer will generally be the most important. It is an opportunity to expose your wishes and to receive information about what he can do for you. Overall, this discussion takes place or in the space that is supposed to be arranged, or in the designer’s studio. In the designer’s studio you will be able to see samples of materials used in design and you will be presented with various examples of projects.
Generally, after the first contact you will know if designers and other team members can meet your requirements. Of course, your decision can be greatly simplified if you learned about this studio from the recommendations of your friends, acquaintances or others who worked with that studio.
A good designer should know to obtain essential information from the client about his lifestyle, hobbies, favorite colors, favorite music or other aspects of personal life, which may have great relevance in the design phase and should taken into account in drafting the interior of your propriety.
A professional designer will not try to wield a certain vision, a rigidly and without justification to accept suggestions or changes the project unless it is required in specifically. His role is to analyze the customer needs and translate them into practice according to a style that suits you.
An interior designer is one who will, for a certain time, your best employee, your attorney in the relationship with manufacturers or suppliers and will always keep in mind your tastes, but organizing them into a personal style, original.
Do You Need the Advice of an Interior Designer (howtobuildahouseblog.com)
Why Do I Need a Designer?
Let’s return to the title of the article “Why do I need a designer?”. The designer concept was not always a popular concept among those who took the decision to furnish or redecorate their space. Often decisions were left to the manufacturers (generally “craftsmen” who knew how to do anything) which often lead to results quite different from initial expectations and the overall work costs were usually higher than initially expected.
Think about it! Always it was need for a gallon of paint in plus of course, another different hue leading to visible discrepancies in the overall appearance of the work. In general, there were additional amounts in all materials, due to incompetence of the manufacturers. Because, they did not know to apply correct techniques, the material requirements were incorrectly calculate.
Worse than that, many of these craftsmen were trying to convince their client that the services of an interior designer is not necessary and the expenses are not justified, without being able to offer better options such as significant reductions in both time and financial resources.
In contrast to these craftsmen a professional and experienced team in the field of interior design, may at any time notify their client, on its own initiative or upon request, if technology is respected, if the job steps are correctly executed, all within a predetermined budget. Today it is a close closed cooperation between customer, designer, and manufacturer. This collaboration allows the customer to be less physically involved in the development work, gaining time for other important activities and letting the designer to follow the evolution of overall work, without losing the control of the work.
Checking and confirming the proper execution of the work is the responsibility of the professional designer.
Whether it is, a project for an apartment, a house, a restaurant, a club, a hotel or a commercial complex, working with a designer will have only beneficial effects on the overall look of your property.
How you feel inside our space is essential to your quality of life in general. Your property should meet all your requirements such as study, relaxation, rest or maybe an working environment. Therefore, certain rules must be considered such as colours and ergonomics. However, all these rules must be subordinate to your personality and desires.
Interior designer is also responsible for the smooth running of activities in a safe space and in exploiting that space, whether it is residential, offices, hotels, restaurants, schools, shops, institutions or premises of production or relaxation.