How to choose the right floor tiles?
A big selection of tiles allows you to select exactly what you want. We usually choose floor tiles based on color, pattern, or other visual factors, but do we know the basic technical specifications of the tiles that must also be followed? We will explain the quality characteristics you should consider when selecting the proper tiles. Tiles are categorized according to 23 qualities, however knowing the most important ones is sufficient. Tile resistance classes and tile thickness, as well as slipperiness classes and water absorption, would be the most essential parameters. They will suffice if you want to select the best floor covering for your property.
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The floor is typically paved with stone mass tiles. Stone mass tile is similar to ceramic tile; however, it is much tougher and more resistant. All the tiles are ceramic; the only difference is how they are created and how they are soaked in water. Ceramic tiles are solely suited for indoor use and can only be used on walls due to their resistance. Clinker tiles come in two varieties: glazed and unglazed. Unglazed are typically used outside. Stone mass tiles can be utilized everywhere. They are mostly used everywhere due to their utility.

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The most common method is to cover the walls with ceramic tiles and the floor with stone masses. The surface of stone mass tiles might be matte, polished, semi-polished, or roughened. These distinctions also influence the final cost and upkeep of the tiles. The rough surfaces are non-slip, making them ideal for bathrooms and other damp spaces, as well as outdoor use. It is worth noting that if you choose tiles from well-known brands, you will not be dissatisfied with the quality of the tiles, which frequently exceeds all customer expectations.
The tile resistance class (thickness of the glazing) is one of the most significant criteria to consider. Understanding how to assess the friction resistance of floor tiles will make choosing tiles easier. It is critical to consider how the surface of the floor tiles will perform under continual wear. On a scale of 1 to 5, PEI ratings assess the wear resistance of ceramic and stone tiles.
Tile classes:
PEI 1 – Only suitable for walls.
PEI 2-3 – Appropriate for rooms with little foot traffic or slippers.
PEI 4-5 – suited for all room coverings with constant vigorous movement.
You can avoid serious issues in the future if you carefully follow them. The greater the PEI value, the more dirt and abrasion resistance the tiles will have. If you want to make your tile selection as simple as possible, keep in mind that this is one of the most significant characteristics that allows you to utilize a specific type of tile in a specific room.
The slipperiness of the tiles is another key consideration when selecting floor tiles. Slippery for bare feet is classified as A, B, or C. It is mostly seen in public spaces such as waiting rooms, swimming pools, saunas, and showers. Slipperiness is assessed by the letter R from 9 to 13 when wearing shoes. Knowing the tile classes and their slipperiness is critical when laying tiles in areas where there is a risk of slipping. Tile classes are measured pretty easily in this situation – the higher the category, the less slippery the surface.
Finding out how much water the tiles absorb is another crucial aspect that will help guarantee that the choice of tiles is correct. This is especially crucial when selecting tiles for the patio, terrace, or even the bathroom. The more water the tiles absorb, the less frost resistance they have. Because the frozen water in the tile expands and cracks the tile. Tiles with a water content of at least 0.5 percent are the most popular and suggested by specialists. Outdoor use is not appropriate for tiles with low absorption. Nowadays, almost all stone mass tiles do not absorb water and are frost resistant. They are also not scared of temperature swings, making them ideal for heated floors.
By the way, you should consider not only which tiles to use in certain rooms, but also how many are required. We always recommend ordering 10% more than the overall area of the room. Because the tiles like to break, crack, and otherwise annoy us. As a result, having them on hand is always preferable for the sake of less worry.
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