Cleaning the bathroom doesn’t have to be all that much work if it is done right. When your bathroom is dirty it can be embarrassing and unhealthy and no matter how well your bathroom is decorated, if it is not clean it will not look good.

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Whatever its function is to be a guest powder room or a full sized shower and bath area, both rooms can be difficult to maintain without a proper schedule.
When you follow some cleaning tips you can make cleaning the bathroom simple and effortless.
1/ First of all remove all the items that don’t belong in your bathroom. Next, pick up any trash and sweep the floor. Then, clean up all the laundry in the bathroom. This would include dirty towels, clothes, and rugs. Wash rugs in washer and let air dry.
2/ A full sized washroom that includes a shower and tub area should be cleaned at least once a week. To get started, you should do a thorough cleaning of your bathroom. After this is done, all that will be necessary is regular upkeep.
3/ Sweep the ceiling and the walls: Always start at the top of any cleaning project. Go round the ceiling crown moldings with the broom covered with a dust cloth to rid of cob webs. Then sweep down the walls. Wash walls top to bottom, one by one and dry with towel.
4/ Mold & Mildew: However, when cleaning a bathroom, be sure to pay particular attention to grout which can harbor mold or mildew if not properly maintained.
- If mildew does start to creep up on you, try cleaning with a dilute solution of chlorine bleach in water (one cup bleach to three cups water, increasing the bleach as necessary). Spray or sponge it on, wait a few minutes, then rinse well with clean water.
- Commercial mildew remover sprays can also be used. When using chemicals for cleaning bathroom tiles, be sure to wear rubber gloves and rinse the area well after cleaning.
- Use a peroxide based cleaner, such as Bio-OX Citrus Concentrate. Wet the area, spray Bio-OX Citrus Concentrate on the mildew, wait a few minutes then scrub with an old toothbrush.
5/ Drains: The next will be to unclog the drains. Hair and goo can build inside your sink causing your drains to empty slowly. There are several ways to unclog drains:
- Use different types of “drain openers” from your hardwood store.
- Drop a couple of alka seltzer tablets into a slow drain and follow with a vinegar chaser. After a few minutes, rinse with hot water. Your drain will be as good as new.
- Baking soda will clear up clogged drains and will also, keep them smelling fresh. Pour one half cup of salt and one cup of baking soda down the drain and let it sit overnight. In the morning chase it with a pot of boiling water.
6/ Toilet bowl: Pour bleach or a “drain opener” (which contains bleach) into the toilet bowl, and put the toilet brush inside the toilet with the actual brush inside the hole. This will help to sanitize the brush and get dirt off it.
7/ Bathroom rust: Cleaning bathroom rust isn’t difficult however. It can accomplish with several items found in the kitchen.
- Lemon juice left to sit on the offending spot for at least 30 minutes should be enough to remove the rust.
- Or you can use white vinegar.
- You can try ordinary bleach or cleaning product which contains oxalic acid.
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8/ Shower & Tub: Spray an appropriate cleaning product on the shower walls, and the shower head and let it rest for a couple of minutes. Spray cleansers made especially for getting rid of soap scum work very well on tubs that haven’t been cleaned in a while.
Hard water can cause lime and other minerals to build up on your bathroom fixtures and make bathroom cleaning a nightmare.
- The easiest way to remove lime or other mineral buildup from your bathroom is by using an acidic cleaner.
- You can also try white vinegar, lemon juice, or a cleaner containing oxcalic acid, which is best for rusty stains.
Scrub the walls, faucet and shower head, rinse well with the hottest water and or dry with a chamois, you can use the squeegee also to make them dryer. You can shine the faucet with a paper towel or a towel. Do the same thing for the tub.
Grout: Make a paste of baking soda and peroxide, apply to your grout, and rub in with an old toothbrush and let sit for at least 30 minutes. For more heavy duty bathroom cleaning, dip your toothbrush in some bleach and give the grout a good scrub. Rinse by cleaning with a damp sponge.
WARNING: Never use abrasive cleaners or green abrasive scrub pads or steel wool on porcelain fixtures, as they will quickly dull the finish.
9/ Sink and counter area: When cleaning the sink and counter area, you can use the same cleaning product you used on the tub but be careful because it is harder to rinse the soap off a counter.
Using a sponge, you can scrub all the soap scum and tooth paste off the sink and from around the faucet. You should rinse often to keep from spreading the toothpaste and scum around.
Once the sink and counter are clean, run water down the sink to clean it out then rinse your sponge thoroughly and wipe everything down.
10/ Chrome fixture: If not properly maintained, chrome fixtures can become dull and cloudy.
- Make a paste of baking soda and dishwashing liquid. Apply this to your chrome fixtures and rub clean with a cloth.
- Clean stains from your bathroom chrome and tile, using baby oil! Wipe off with a cloth diaper for a lint free shine.
11/ Shower Doors & Bathroom Mirror: Soap scum is made up of talc, body oils and minerals from hard water. If you left to dry, soap scum removal can be one of the most difficult parts of cleaning a bathroom.
To eliminate this problem keep a squeegee in your bathroom to wipe down shower doors and walls after every bath or shower.
Bathroom mirror: To prevent your mirror from fogging after your shower, clean it once a week it with a solution of dishwashing liquid and water.
12/ Floor: After everything else has been done, you need to mop the floor. Use a bucket of hot water and disinfectant cleanser. Mop the entire floor and then wait to dry.