How to arrange the TV in the interior of the living room?


The television in the modern living room serves decorative, communicative, and instructive purposes. Its placement must consequently be given special consideration. The deliberate and reasonable placement of the television is determined by the ease of viewing and overall harmony of the decor. Understand jointly how to arrange the TV in the interior of the living room.

Read this article and do not forget to check our YouTube channel “Grig Stamate” for other amazing videos:

Best Ways to Decorate Around Your TV | Creative Decorating Ideas #17 (video)


Small rooms

Installing models with a large diagonal in compact rooms is not advised. Between the screen and the eyes, the distance should be between three and five diagonals. If your living room is not standard, position the screen so that it is visible from the intended viewing point (for example, a sofa, armchair, or table).

When creating vast spaces, zoning should be used. This eliminates the pain of a huge space while also making the living room ergonomic and comfy.

Window location

It is not advisable to place the television in front of a window. During the day, the screen rejects solar reflections. Use the “blackout” technique or hang thick curtains if the living room is too narrow and there is no need to set the monitor on the side walls.

Sanitary standards

When positioning the television, keep in mind that the center of the screen should be at the viewer’s eye level. Receivers with a big diagonal that are installed in large living rooms are an exception. A modest overshot of the height indication is permitted in such instances (subject to strict compliance with the distance between the eyes and the screen).

Installing a television near a workplace or a children’s play area is not recommended. Install the monitor away from heaters and radiators. This contributes to technology overheating and system failure.

The placement of the television in the living room is determined by the receiver’s design and size. On customized stands, cabinets, and tables, cube-shaped semiconductor and lamp models are placed. Because of the absence of aesthetics on the back of the TV, placement is on the wall or in a corner. Such models are not suited for installation in the middle of the room when zoning techniques are utilized.

Flat models are hung on the wall, in a cabinet, or in niches made specifically for this purpose. This way of installation optimizes space, alters the interior, and reduces the possibility of unintentional TV damage. To install, a free wall that is not overly cluttered with ornamental components or furniture is chosen. The sofa and chairs can be arranged opposite each other, near opposite walls, opposite the screen. In this scenario, the television is mounted on the third wall and is visible from both sides.

A sofa near one wall and a TV on the other are common in small living rooms. This configuration necessitates careful consideration of the diagonal size. Dizziness and headaches might begin at close range when looking at a large monitor. In this scenario, it is preferable to mount the receiver on the opposite wall from the window and acquire thick blinds or drapes.

The TV and the fireplace in the same living room form their own interaction. Both artefacts are eye-catching and frequently serve as focal points in design. Because entrants’ attention is focused on them, particular criteria are placed on the placement of the TV in a room with a fireplace.

A common error is to situate the monitor above the fireplace. In this situation, the items compete for attention and distract it away from themselves.

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