Choose a Large Vase or Plant Pot on the floor for a trendy decoration.
Decorating with floor standing vases and large plant pots is an original decorative idea, which can create lovely living room décor. After all, why should always place our decorative vases and plant pots on tables and shelves? Today, decorative vases are gaining height and weight. They are coming and are available in large and size models. So, it is pretty difficult to place them on a table. Also, the flowerpots. But they can be placed directly on the floor. Even empty, these huge vases in a various range of sizes, colors, shapes, and materials are an excellent way to decorate your living room in an original way. This is also valid for plant pots, especially large ceramic flowerpots.

Please read this article and watch the new uploaded video from our YouTube channel:
“Grig Stamate – Interior Design Solutions”
Beautiful Living Rooms, #16: 50 Floor Vases and Large Plant Pots for Stylish Decor (video)
You will discover here more than fifty amazing decorating ideas with large vases and plant pots for living rooms.

Glass vases and bottles
Even the large bottles can become an excellent decorative element. With their slim silhouette the bottles are refined and chic.
Large bottles and vases are excellent ideas for placing large flowers, large palm leaves, or different kinds of grasses such as pampa grasses. These dry herbs are stylish and trendy and when they are combined with large transparent glass vases create a country chic atmosphere in the living room with a romantic touch.
Another great advantage of glass vases is their transparency. Transparency allows the light to pass through and also to amplify and reverberate the light. It visually expands the living space making it brighter.

Ceramic vases and flowerpots stylishly placed on the floor.
A large ceramic vase or a flowerpot placed directly on the floor has a natural, authentic flair. They perfectly go with a natural, free spirit. Usually, they are artisanal objects. So, they are unique decorative pieces. Excellent decorative elements that can be placed directly on the living room floor. Large, lacquered are particularly very popular for contemporary living rooms. They bring an elegant note and if they are mixed in different sizes will create a dynamic look.
You can also mix large ceramic vases or pots with vases made from natural fibers. In the last time you can find many models made from rattan, wicker, and bamboo. If you want to personalize your living room décor, do not hesitate to match different kinds of vases and plant pots.
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